Friday, October 30, 2009

Say Goodbye to Hollywood....

Hollywood is the destination of dreams for many people across the land, who crave the trappings of being rich, famous movie stars. Celebrities in “Tinsel Town” get paid absurd amounts of money, live in palatial estates, hobnob with the elites of the world and are recognized universally for the movies they write, produce, or star in.
            However, when Hollywood opens their collective mouth you see how ignorant and isolated they are from the real world and how un-intelligent they are when not reading from a script.
Hollywood stars are outrageously liberal-which doesn’t matter to me- except when they consistently bash America and say outrageous things about our past president-all while praising communist dictators such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, but there isn’t a more glaring recent example of Hollywood’s absolute eeriness than that of the case of director Roman Polanski.
             The Roman Polanski case couldn’t be a better illustration of Hollywood’s ignorance.
32 years ago, the Academy Award winning director plied a 14 year old girl with champagne and
part of a Quaalude then proceeded to have non-consensual oral, vaginal, and anal sex with her- as she repeatedly tried to refuse him.
After the rape, the victim went to the authority’s, who had enough evidence for  a grand jury to issue a six-count indictment against the Polish-born director that included charges of rape, sodomy and lewd or lascivious act upon a child under 14.
Polanski’s lawyer managed to have the charges reduced to the single charge of "unlawful intercourse with a minor". He plead guilty to this charge, but before sentencing Polanski fled to France, avoiding any jail time which he would have served.  
            After arriving in France, Polanski began an affair with a 15 year old named Nastassja Kinski. This is a classic pattern of pedophile behavior and more importantly shows Mr.Polanski’s total disregard or remorse for his past crime. Roman Polanski is a disgusting pedophile who raped and sodomized a 14 year old girl and then became a fugitive of the law. Now the past has finally caught up to Mr. Polanski, after being on the run for 3 decades he has been arrested in Switzerland.  
Most decent, law abiding, and intelligent individuals across the world would applaud this move, after when a crime is committed, especially one as heinous as this, the world becomes a safer place.
Pedophiles are considered the most evil and repulsive criminals. They rob young innocent children of their youth and the victims suffer the aftermath for the rest of their lives. In prisons, pedophiles are considered the lowest form of criminal and even hard-core seasoned convicts look down on them with disgust and target and alienate them from the rest of the general population. Even talking or associating with one could get you killed.
This is how serious even other prisoners take crimes committed on kids.
            However, Hollywood through its arrogance and “high moral principles” has turned the criminal into the victim- with many stars and directors rallying around Mr. Polanski, defending him at all costs.
Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein was recently asked by The LA Times to comment on the situation and responded beautifully:
"Hollywood has the best moral compass, because it has compassion. Roman Polanski is a man who cares deeply about his art and its place in the world."
In fact Hollywood was so outraged at this extreme miscarriage of justice, Harvey Weinstein and his famous “moral compass” created a petition demanding the immediate release of Polanski and collected over 100 signatures (so far) from many Hollywood elites including:
Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Salman Rushdie, Natalie Portman, Harrison Ford,  Pedro Almodovar, Monica Bellucci, Jonathan Demme, Terry Gilliam, John Landis, David Lynch, Tilda Swinton, Wim Wenders, Darren Aronofsky, Michael Mann, Julian Schnabel, Tom Tykwer, etc….     This petition was sent to French Officials and includes ridiculous statement such as:
“…. His arrest follows an American arrest warrant dating from 1978 against the filmmaker, in a case of morals…. Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renowned and international artist… …now facing extradition. This extradition, if it takes place, will be heavy in consequences and will take away his freedom.
Filmmakers, actors, producers and technicians - everyone involved in international filmmaking - want him to know that he has their support and friendship. If only in the name of this friendship between our two countries, we demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski.

So a convicted pedophile and fugitive finally being captured to face the consequences of his horrendous crime elicits howls of anger from Hollywood’s elite-As they stated “In a case of morals-  will get his freedom taken away- as they DEMAND his immediate release (as if he’s an innocent civilian being held hostage by Al-Qaeda).
             As Hollywood constantly yaps about global warming, torturing at GITMO, Bush’s war crimes, and how stupid Sarah Palin is- nothing could be worse than their defense of this man.
            Amazingly the media hasn’t responded as critically as they should, mostly because The LA Times supports Polanski-  more stars continue to comment- all of them suffering from foot-in-mouth disease while showing their “compassion”, again not for the victim, but for the CRIMINAL!
Patricia Arquette – star of the TV show “Medium” told CNN that Polanski’s situation was:  “Complicated”
Jillian Michaels from the hit TV show “Biggest Loser” said: “Who are we to judge?”
Whoopi Goldberg from “The View” – a show hosted entirely by women and aimed at a female audience sparked minor outrage by saying: “What Polanski did was not "rape-rape,"
Coming in first, though- with the most despicable and offensive of all- is author Gore Vidal. The vile comments he made during an interview with The Atlantic- Take the “Hollywood Elitism” cake
“I don't give a f---" about the Polanski case. "Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she's been taken advantage of?"
"The idea that this girl was in her communion dress, a little angel all in white, being raped by this awful Jew, Polacko - that's what people were calling him - well, the story is totally different now from what it was then."

            These common views held by Hollywood elite’s show their inherent disconnect from the real world. A child rapist is a child rapist- and Hollywood has allowed their “moral compass” to point in the wrong direction, yet again- the sad and scary thing is- it’s not their first time and it won’t be their last.

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