Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama's "Hope and Change" Problems

          President Obama has defiantly fulfilled his campaign promise of bringing about “Hope and Change” to Washington DC. Except for it being the kind of change that will fundamentally alter the landscape of the nation for years to come. He campaigned promising to go “line by line” in any bill that came across his desk laden with pork and veto anything that he deemed was reckless and unnecessary spending, vowing to remove each and every “pork” project that congressmen and Senators stuffed into bills simply to pass legislation that would benefit them. Instead we have now seen the Presidents vow and it came in the form of a $787 billion dollar stimulus package that was stuffed with tons of ridiculous pork projects he simply ignored.
         The pork in his stimulus package will do nothing to stimulate the economy but only help to keep America on its current path of having a ten year $10 trillion dollar deficit that will shatter all hopes of allowing him to pass healthcare reform, which has a current price tag of $1 trillion dollars and in DC money that can only grow substantially.  As our current 44th president tries to jam down his ultra-liberal agendas including cap and trade and a massive overhaul of government, combined with a substantial increase in government entitlements, we must ask ourselves who will pay for this, and when will the money run out?
          Obama ran a campaign promising not to raise taxes on anyone making more than $250,000 a year and has repeatedly reiterated this promise to the American people. This has to be one of the biggest lies that have been told in any recent presidential campaign. It only gets worse by the MSM being so compliant in allowing his white house staff to go unquestioned by the media and allowing his continually rhetoric go without any public concern or vetting. When dealing with any debt, as a company or as a normal citizen, everyone knows that you simply cannot spend your way out of it. If you are in credit card debt it doesn’t simply disappear by using a new credit card to pay off your old debt, it just transfers that debt to another debt. Why would such an educated staff of assembled professionals think that the American public would be so compliant with this method?  Instead we need to conclude that his transfer of wealth to those who are “unlucky” as the President recently said will be bought and paid for by the same middle class that he was so aggressive in recruiting during his 2008 campaign. Realistically the wealthy can only pay for so much of our nation’s current $10 trillion dollar deficit. That leaves anyone making more than $150,000 than $100,000 than $80,000 and so on… and that’s only with federal taxes. Wait till you begin getting hit with your state and local taxes, property taxes, income taxes, vehicle taxes…etc. All of a sudden the $100,000 that you have worked so hard to earn slowly gets whittled down to less than half that. It starts becoming very scary for the average American who is paying a mortgage, car payments, and student loans; not even taking into consideration the price of trying to raise or start a family.
               Suddenly President Obama’s “Hope and Change” isn’t as appealing as it was when he was able to convince so many people through his empty, yet soaring rhetoric. There is no question he is a gifted speaker and amazing campaigner, unfortunately he can only blame Bush for so long until the public begins tiring with that excuse and begin looking for the promising leader they witnessed on the campaign trail.
       The only problem is that the people who voted for him in droves are the same people who contribute the least to society and benefit the most from the massive government entitlements Obama proposes. This gives him a fair chance of getting another four years in the White House. The only problem will be is that he will no longer have Bush to blame for the Nation’s woes. You can only wonder who the next scapegoat will be, but I am pretty sure it will start with an O and end with an A.   

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