Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Obama’s Real Waterloo

Over the summer, just as the town hall rallies began to intensify and before the 9/12 “Freedom Rally” which took place on the mall, in our nation’s capital, Senator Jim DeMint,         (R SC, who spoke at the rally) was quoted as saying, “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” He was of course speaking out about the Democrats scatterbrained health care plan. (Now I am pretty sure the Democrats will inevitable be able to push through some sort of health care reform, except I am just as confused as everyone else, as to what kind of measures the plan will actually include.) I think that Sen. DeMint was correct about a “Waterloo” situation that President Obama will face in the future; I just don’t think it will be Health Care, it will be Afghanistan.
Obama is being incredible naïve and complacent on this issue and while he continues to fumble around with the situation, it is increasingly worsening for our troops and the fragile stability of the area. Earlier in the month, an article was published in The Washington Post, which stated from anonymous high ranking Pentagon officials that Obama had only met with General Stanley McChrystal-Commander of US and NATO Forces in Afghanistan- ONE time since his presidency began. It was also released that Gen. McChrystal has been practically down on his hands and knees begging Obama to increase the amount of American Forces to the area to regain control of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. This article now puts Obama in a peculiar position- If he increases troops he will inevitable suffer some US casualties- the liberal left could abandon him and he would now “own” the war in Afghanistan.  Yet, if he doesn’t follow the Generals advice then we continue to suffer losses and eventually will need to withdraw from the area, giving the Taliban and terrorist’s a huge moral victory which may end up leading to another 9/11.
            Now remember these two crucial facts about President Obama, the first is that he was adamantly against Gen. Petraeus’s “Surge” troop plan in Iraq during the election and stated repeatedly that it would fail before it had even began. We all now know what a brilliant plan that was and how it changed the tide of the war in Iraq. The second fact is that he is one of a few of our nations Presidents who never served in any of our military service branches. Therefore, it gives him less judgment on how the military operates and the urgency these delicate situations require for a leader to act swiftly to protect his men. These two facts are essential in helping to understand how this man thinks.  These are “waterloo” decisions that the President signed up for when he was sworn in.
Already we are beginning to see the left start to crater on Afghanistan and especially on the comments Gen. McChrystal has made public about his need for more men. In an article today by the ultra liberal Washington Post writer, Eugene Robinson, titled- (Patriotically)
 “Generals Need to Shut Up and Salute”, he writes-
 “I didn't like "active-duty generals dabbling in politics, even if I agree with them." If military officers want to devise and implement geopolitical strategy, they should leave their jobs and run for office.”
And continues by making claims that the General should have basically no say in what the Presidents strategy should be. This is total absurdity! In his view, then the President shouldn’t need a cabinet, czars, or any of his many economic advisors whom regularly push the President’s agenda on the public. It also shows the lefts almost universally held contempt they have for the military, which began during Vietnam. It also shows the lefts utter compliance towards attacking whoever goes against “The Anointed One.”
            On Sunday we lost 8 brave marines when more than 250 insurgents attacked a remote US outpost in Afghanistan. This brazen attack occurred while Obama was off in Copenhagen trying to charm the IOC in a bid for Chicago to hold the 2016 games.
It’s time that the president stops campaigning and starts leading- or he will have his “waterloo” and it will be a disaster for him to overcome.

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