Sunday, October 25, 2009

America's Global Warming Debate Begins to Thaw

As the recession continues to remain stagnant and with 49 of 50 states recently reporting job losses instead of job gains, Americans have put climate change on the back-burner as they become increasingly worried about their own future. Climate Change or Global Warming is an interesting and divisive topic in today’s political landscape because the tremendous amount of unemployed citizens has caused Congress to switch gears and focus on trying to revamp the economy instead of saving mother earth. This seems to be a better move politically as trees and plants cannot vote. The Democrats enjoy a super majority in Congress, yet even they are not stupid enough to pass a bad Cap-and-Trade bill which will do major and irreversible damage too many Midwest blue-collar industrial jobs including farming.
            Climate Change is a very tricky pill for many to swallow because of all the misleading and down-right strange articles being published in newspapers about how and why it occurs.
I’ve read articles that promote sterilizing women to prevent global warming, one encouraging people to wear a special “green shirt” which has removable sleeves to use as toilet paper that can then be cleaned and reused, and many others blaming climate change on anything from cattle to big screen TV’s. Many environmentalists or believers in climate change cannot even give you the same answer if you ask the same question to two people separately. Anything and everything is now contributing to “Climate Change”. This funny term took over after having a few periods of cold weather; therefore people couldn’t say Global Warming so they simply rebranded their cause.
Some call “Climate Change” - Seasons. When I grew up, we had warm summers, brisk falls, cold winters, and beautiful, rainy springs. It doesn’t seem like much has changed since then. Currently, we are only in October and it has already snowed in New England and Michigan.
            My whole point is that as an American who loves the outdoors I would hope everyone does their best to recycle and conserve the wonderful and majestic planet God created for us to use. I recycle, try not to litter, and pick-up trash whenever I see it out walking or fishing, nothing pisses me off more than seeing trash floating in the water. In fact, what many people don’t know is that there are currently more trees in America right now then there has ever been. This is because people have made trees an important commodity in world trade. By making trees valuable for use in an assortment of products- tree farms have popped up to ensure that trees will be available to consumers to create products. Therefore, tree farmers are ensuring to replant trees at a tremendous rate to maintain their businesses. Trees are important in creating oxygen by inhaling CO2 emissions.
            However, to create a “Carbon Free” economy through Cap-and-Trade will kill our economy and push unemployment higher, deepening our current recession. Without having India and China (currently the world’s biggest polluters) on board any manufacturer in America will simply move their factories overseas where they won’t need to deal with the absurd regulations that will result from Cap-and-Trade. This will cost more Americans jobs, as well as, losing valuable tax money that these huge corporations pay.  This has already occurred when the corporate tax rate was raised under Bill Clinton.
After Bush cut the rate, America saw 7 years of the  lowest unemployment rate ever and received great fiscal success because by giving  money back to the corporations they were able to expand,  hire more workers, and build new factories.   
            Moreover it is estimated by the CBO that Cap -and -Trade will cost the average America family between $1,200-1,600 in higher yearly electric rates. This is another tax that won’t help our current economic problems. That money could be used for upgrading your house, buying new products, or anything else people want to spend it on- instead of writing another check to Uncle Sam.
 Cap- and-Trade has major backing by big city liberal elitists who know nothing about the American Midwest. The Mid-West is built of many small farming communities which rely on heavy duty equipment to ensure that the food we eat gets to our table. Many of these people have never even ridden a subway, yet liberal politicians refuse to acknowledge that public transportation isn’t available for everyone, as they chide people for not riding buses, bicycles, or subways more often. And as they take over the car industry, they have constantly pressed for smaller and more fuel efficient cars, again forgetting the mid-western farmers will not be able to load bales of hay or large fence poles into their Prius’s.
A recent poll showed that only 51% of Americans now rank Climate Change as a pressing issue down 73% since last year’s poll. This dramatic drop shows the general public’s uneasiness with the cost and regulations that come with a bill promising such dramatic changes in carbon rationing. People are also smartening up to the fact that any cost occurred by the Cap and Trade bill by the producer will simply be absorbed by the consumer, thus raising prices on anything manufactured, farmed, shipped, imported, or created in America. Couple this with the $1,000 plus increase in your general electric bill and it creates quite a price increase for the average family.
Democrats continue to claim how we are being held hostage by the Middle East oil barons and OPEC, which is certainly true in many ways, yet they are adamant about not allowing our country to explore and cultivate our vast resources in Alaska and off-shore in the Gulf of Mexico where millions of barrels of oils exists.
 They just continue to spread the myth that our country t will be able to solely rely on solar and wind power in the near future. Currently 0.03 % of America’s energy is created from these sources. This shows how unreliable and difficult it is to simply harness these methods. Not to mention that if we do switch to electric “smart” cars it will only increase power usage by creating a product that needs massive amounts of power when plugged in to charge for driving.
If Democrats really wanted a clean solution to carbon and energy problems they should follow the lead of France- the very country many liberals love- and consider nuclear energy. France generates 70% of their energy by this method and it is clean and safe.
However, it seems all they are willing to do is crush corporations and kill jobs in order to save the planet- they don’t seem to worry about the citizens they represent, as they continue to generate ideas that will fundamentally change our economy and way of life for years to come.

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