Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama Fiddles while Afghanistan Burns

            President Obama and his staff have once again called an audible on an important decision that requires immediate action. Instead of using the primetime Sunday news shows to give Americans the president’s plan on Afghanistan, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel decided to attack an American news organization instead. This is becoming a disturbing pattern in this new administration. . Whether it is Rush Limbaugh or Fox News the Obama team continually tries to use “smoke and mirrors” on the American people to distract them from the real and urgent issues that we as Americans are facing today. When his top two advisors go on the Sunday talk show circuit and attack other Americans for “unfair”’ press, it diverts  attention away from answering real questions.
The one that should be the most important now is will Obama follow  General Stanley McChrystal’s (Commander of US and NATO Forces in Afghanistan) and Defense Secretary Robert Gate’s advice and increase the amount of troops in that region? So far, Obama and his crack team of Marxists, socialists, and communists, haven’t been able to even release the date of when Obama will make the decision. They cannot even decide when! To make it, less answer the request coming from his top Commanders in the field.
Meanwhile, “Sheriff Joe” Biden, has came out publicly calling for a complete withdraw from the region. This awesome plan would put Afghanistan right back into the hands of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda which would further enable them to regroup and create even more terrorist training camps as before because they would have the momentum and confidence caused by an American retreat.  
VP Joe Biden has been wrong about every single war issue since he has been in the Senate. During the Clinton Administration he was for going to war with Bosnia and Kosovo, declaring it a “Humanitarian Must” and provided us with this gem of a quote:
“I came back to the Republicans and laid out the death camps in Kosovo, the rape camps in Bosnia — I laid it out in stark relief,” he told me. “These guys” — the Republicans — “said, ‘It’s not our business.’ What is so transformational in the last four years is that these a**holes who wouldn’t give President Clinton the authority to use force” have now become, he said, moral interventionists. “Give me a f**king break.”

            He voted for the war in Iraq, and then 13 months later, was against it. He was the main lobbyist for breaking Iraq into three separate “autonomous” states where all the different religious sects would have their own separate country. He also said that Bush’s troop “surge” strategy (which was an astounding success) in Iraq was “absolutely the wrong strategy”.
During the campaign, he was for increasing the troop level in Afghanistan and said “we will do whatever it takes to finish the war there”. Of course, as VP, he was the first to advise President Obama to not increase the amount of troops in that region, a decision which Obama rejected and sent an additional 40,000 troops. Now, he is at it again urging the President not to increase the troop level even after the Generals and Pentagon are begging for help.
What happened to the VP being such a “humanitarian”? Has he not heard of the despicable ways the Afghan males treat the women or gays in their country?
Has he not read about how women are raped on sight, how they need to provide sex with their husbands on demand, or how if they are in a room with an un-married male they get disfigured by acid, caned or stoned to death. Or  if they suspect you of being  gay they make you jump off a high dive platform into a deep, empty, concrete shell -that used to be a pool, and if you survive your straight if not you must have been gay. Afghanistan has an atrocious record on civil and humanitarian rights. Under the Taliban they would bomb all-girl schools (which were set up on the sly) because women were not allowed an education and kill all the innocent people inside for helping them try to learn. What happened to our “Humanitarian Joe”?
            Now as the situation becomes more and more urgent for the President to make that important “3am decision” he is doing anything and everything but to make it. It also shows the fracture in the Administration with how they will respond to the Generals thoughts. If the VP has doubts publicly it makes the President look bad if they turn out right.
Recently, Gen. Stanley McChrystal submitted an assessment stating that, without additional forces, the U.S. effort in Afghanistan “will likely result in failure.” 
            This statement by our top Commander in Afghanistan shouldn’t be taken lightly and as the violence in that area heats up, the press will begin pressuring the administration for an answer, I just hope that President Obama isn’t listening to “Sheriff Joe” on this one because he hasn’t been right yet and the violence continues to take our brave soldiers lives in Afghanistan as Obama fiddles in the States….

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