Monday, October 5, 2009

Our Fear Mongers and Theirs

After the horrific attacks that occurred on 9/11 President George W Bush and his administration had to forever alter our nations National Defense landscape. This required Bush to pass through the Patriot Act which was overwhelmingly approved in congress and now allowed our national defense and counter-terrorism agency’s the tools needed to be more proactive in the way the fight against the brutal terror organizations that are determined to kill as many Americans as possible and alter our lives as we know it. This also required Bush to impose a color coded terrorist risk assessment that would warn Americans about possible attacks based on classified intelligence information gathered by the CIA, NSA, and FBI. This system was color coded with green being the lowest and red being the highest, with other colors in between warning of “possible” attacks occurring. Therefore citizens could be alert to any suspicious activity and the public would have some awareness to have a contingency plan in place if such an attack would occur. This is no different than a weather forecast calling for a hurricane or blizzard, it may happen, it may not happen- but be prepared in the event something occurs.
However, during the previous seven years the democrats have latched onto these warnings as blatant attempts of the Republican Party to play with the fears of a jittery American public. The MSM relentlessly attacked the administration for “fear mongering” and playing on our post 9/11fears. They overlooked the times that our law enforcement agency’s thwarted attacks in NJ at Fort Dix, in Miami where 7 Islamic militants were planning an attack on the Sears Tower, and the two Islamic college students pulled over in SC near an Air Force base with laptops containing maps of the base and a truck full of bomb making materials. The media in every one of these cases buried the stories on the back page and downplayed the attacks criticizing the terrorists as “unorganized amateurs” who couldn’t pull off a simple crime more less a sophisticated terror attack. All these arrests were just for fear, it was 24/7, 365 fear mongering, fear mongering, fear mongering. But we haven’t been attacked since 9/11 and Al-Qaeda is on the run and getting weaker by the day.
Now that Bush is out of office the accusations of fear mongering from the left continue and go unexamined by the liberal and compliant MSM. They are currently accusing Republicans of playing on the fears of Americans in the debate over health care. They are stirring up fears of racism and accusing the right of being “In fear of having a Black President” as Janeane Garofalo recently stated, they are accusing citizens at rallies and the tea party’s of carrying guns in fear of Obama and waving swastikas. The MSM also continues to ridicule everyday citizens concerns over Socialism emerging in our country as “Mindless and Unfounded fear mongering” (Chris Matthews, MSNBC)
Yet as the right kept our country safe through their “alleged fear mongering”, the left is doing the same thing to push through any of the many radical agendas they pursue. President Obama used the tactic right out the gate when pursuing the passage of his Stimulus Package. He stated it “Was needed to prevent the U.S. recession from turning into an economic catastrophe.”(Feb.23, Reuters) He repeated words like “crisis”, “catastrophe”, “urgent” when giving every speech pertaining to this $787 billion monstrosity. He continually used fear of rising unemployment and described the economy as “spiraling out of control, if this package is not passed quickly.” Well the tactic worked and 8 months later the money is still is Washington and the unemployment rate is higher than when the bill was passed. Where is the accountability from the media for rushing through a bill filled with pork that still hasn’t shown tangible results?
Another extremely obvious and unchallenged claim of total fear mongering is the way the Democratic Party and liberals especially have played on Americans fears is Global Warming. This phenomenon that hasn’t been scientifically proven and is widely disputed is now being used to change to fabric of our country in numerous different ways that surprisingly all seem to benefit the Democratic Party in the future. Democrats all unanimously agree that this exists and that our planet will be ruined in years if we don’t take drastic steps to change “our” way of life.  Politicians such as Al Gore, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi...Etc, wealthy celebrities and especially  the MSM, (such as Thomas Friedman)  have vigorously pushed their views publicly on this matter, while rejecting any arguments that it may be blown out of proportion. By playing into Americans fear on this issue they have created massive political capital with liberal environment groups as well as lining their own pockets with millions of dollars at our expense.
Easily the most recognizable of these fear mongering alarmist politicians is ex-VP Al Gore. Al Gore preaches the need for Americans to “drastically” change “our” lives or else we will face a certain environmental catastrophe.  His Oscar winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, was a worldwide sensation that won him A Nobel Peace Prize (with the IPCC), by showing the terrible and lasting effects of what global warming will eventually do to our planet. He then made his movie into a hugely successful book that won a 2007 Grammy for “Best Spoken Word Album”.  It also has allowed him to enjoy a $175,000 speaking fee to inform and educate groups on global warming. He also won a primetime Emmy award for his Current TV stations which he owns. Along the way he has convinced politicians, Hollywood celebrities, world leaders, and every day citizens that “The sky is falling” if “You!” don’t change the patterns of “Your” life to save mother earth by minimizing your carbon footprint. Using his tremendous influence and the liberal media outlets as platforms, Mr. Gore has successfully managed to push this topic into the political spotlight where liberals are now proposing drastic and scary bills such as Cap and Trade, and other energy legislatives that will raise electricity rates nationwide and cause factory’s and manufacturing in America to disappear as we know it all for the sake of “minimizing our nations carbon foot print”. He does this by making outlandish claims such as the world’s oceans will rise 20 feet flooding major cities, droughts will produce worldwide famine, the polar ice caps will completely melt, and of course the world’s average temps will rise so high we will be scorched like ants under a magnifying glass. That fear mongering at its worst. To make matters worse this topic is not even allowed to be disputed to any scientist who may have their doubt about the drastic effects which it may produce. The Climate Depot, a website disproving the harsh effects of global warming posted this article about a debate in front of congress in which a prominent UK scientist was scheduled to appear.
“UK's Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, claimed House Democrats have refused to allow him to appear alongside former Vice President Al Gore at a high profile global warming hearing on Friday April 24, 2009 at 10am in Washington. Monckton told Climate Depot that the Democrats rescinded his scheduled joint appearance at the House Energy and Commerce hearing on Friday. Monckton said he was informed that he would not be allowed to testify alongside Gore when his plane landed from England Thursday afternoon.
“The House Democrats don't want Gore humiliated, so they slammed the door of the Capitol in my face,” Monckton told Climate Depot in an exclusive interview. “They are cowards.”

How are people supposed to form an intelligent position on a subject when the Democrats or anyone else, refuse to let both sides of the argument be heard? This goes against all the principals on which our nations was founded and by not giving the other half of this story people are forced into committing to only one side.
As Al Gore continues to champion Global Warming with the help of his old liberal counterparts he has also successful made himself a millionaire a Hundred times over. He raked in an astounding $100 million off his book, movie, T.V channel Current, speaking engagements and not to forget creating the first two companies that offer “global offsets” to corporations who are trying to become carbon-neutral. (Many of these companies are lobbying aggressively on Capitol Hill ensure that their sectors won’t be affected by the cap-and trade bill) So if someone cared so much about his carbon footprint why would they profit so tidily off the cause? Wouldn’t you think Mr. Gore would simply use the power of the internet (which he invented) as the main source of spreading this important message? Why would he produce a movie and book that would do so much harm to the environment he cherishes so dearly? If he was really a champion for this cause he should have just downloaded his movie and book, exclusively and for free on the internet.
Instead he decided to release it to high- energy producing movie theatres that forces many people to drive there to see it. Then he released it on DVD, upping it’s carbon foot print considerably by using non-recyclable DVD’s, copied on machines in factory’s, packaged in plastics made of oil, wrapped in cellophane, shipped in boats (they were made in China) or flown across the world, then loaded into 18-wheelers, to be distributed nationwide. The same idea goes with his award winning book, except it cut down the valuable trees that our planet so desperately needs.  He also pleads with people to cut down on their home energy use. It was reported his mansion in TN uses 20x the electricity of the normal house throughout a given year. He also owns two more additional houses in VA and CA. (btw he also fly’s in his own private jet and owns a 100 ft houseboat) 

So as many simple Americans worry about their jobs and the economy we now need to deal with these elite liberals giving us one more thing to worry about. Again they are getting rich as we are getting nowhere.
 And this is only the tip of the iceberg concerning the fear mongering to come from the Democrats; we still have financial stimulus fear mongering, H1N1 flu fear mongering, GM takeover fear mongering, and Obama’s racist fear mongering, to address. I cannot imagine how fearful this presidency is going to be, because so far it’s been pretty scary.

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