Monday, October 5, 2009

The Obama Stumble

August has been a rough, rough, month for the Obama Administration and Democrats in both the House and Senate. As they used May, June, and July to try and push their awful and confusing Health Care Plan on Americans, many used the August recess to head home and try to push the plan on their constituents. It ended up being a miss-guided political move that backfired on many Democrats who had a rough time weathering the storm politically. They met tough resistance from voters in their districts who are worried about the possible problems relating to the “Nationalized Health Care System” being proposed that would cause them problems in their late term care. These voters have legitimate concerns that cross party lines and many Republicans felt the same anger in trying to explain this perplexing plan that riled up ordinary citizens causing them to question their congressmen. This anger felt by the politicians (many being Democrats) caused them to retreat from these town halls, putting these democrats between a rock and a hard place. Feeling the heat the Democratic Party decided to reverse course on their well planned talking points and instead tried to turn up the heat on the same people who elected them into office. Instead of re-organizing and clarifying their message, they started attacking and accusing their voters of being “plants” and resorted to calling them “un-American” and “un-patriotic” as Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Steny Hoyer are all quoted as saying. This does nothing to progress their agenda and in fact, has worsened their appeal in the national polls. It doesn’t make much sense to fight with the people who are responsible for your jobs and worsens their credibility nationally when they cannot take any criticism on a plan many Americans of both party’s truly oppose.

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