Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama's "Dream Team"

With the nations problems in the economy, Iran, and the two wars, the MSM has conveniently  been “Too busy with other more newsworthy items”, as the editor of the NY Times has been quoted as saying as well as being skeptical and dismissive over the recent ACORN scandal. ACORNS troubles began when two amateur filmmakers secretly recorded ACORN workers in 4 different city’s providing the participants (whom posed as a pimp and a prostitute trying to set up a brothel) with advice on how to smuggle in under-age children to serve as prostitutes, evade taxes, and how to receive other government entitlements provided from ACORN. This proved to be amazingly embarrassing for ACORN and caused the Senate to swiftly and overwhelmingly vote to cut government funding for the liberal community organization that’s been under increasing federal pressure for its 2008 get-out- the vote campaigns that so far have netted over eight different ACORN officials in the same number of states. Barack Obama has long and deep ties to this crooked organization when as a Community Organizer in 1992; he headed a registration effort for Project Vote, an Acorn partner at the time. In 1995, he represented Acorn in a key case upholding the new Motor Voter Act -- the very law whose mandated postcard registration system Acorn workers use to flood election offices with bogus registrations. This should have been the tip of the iceberg for the elite members of the media to begin investigating Obama and his past personal and political ties to examine if he has any other nefarious affiliations. Instead, like with every other possible questions or association raised they swept it under the rug and allowed him to continue his ever popular “Hope and Change” mantra.
If the MSM at least “Googled” the name of many of Obama’s past friends it would be unthinkable that this man should even have had a shot to get elected, more less become our nation’s 44th president. You have:
1.      Reverend Wright- Obama’s Pastor of 20 years- Whose colorful quotes include “God Dam America! Home of the AmeriKKKa, and who hates Jews, and preaches divisive Black Liberation Theology.
2.      William Ayers- Member of militant group, Weather Underground, which bombed the Pentagon and an NYPD station, killing 2.
3.      Antoin “Tony” Rezko- A real estate developer who gave the Obama’s sweetheart land deals and as well as  representing Rezko’s company, REZMAR, to ensure it secured over $43 million in federal funds to rebuild the slums he ran.(which he never did)-  He  is currently in jail for several counts of fraud and bribery.
4.      The Chicago Political machine of Mayor Daley and Gov. Rod Blagojevich who is also was arrested on federal corruption charges on December 9, 2008. The charges involved conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery. Obama also campaigned heavily for him when running for Governor.
These are just a few of the people that should have been examined during the campaign.
    After becoming President he continued to compile a wonderful list of admirable fellows including these:
1.      Tom Daschle- HHS- who didn’t pay income taxes and was forced out of the HHS position Obama assigned to him.
2.       Tim Geithner- Our Top economic adviser- also a tax cheat
3.      Kathleen Sebelius- HHS- March 2009 she admitted to "unintentional errors" in tax returns and paid nearly $8,000 in back taxes
4.      Bill Richardson- Chairman of Commerce- Forced to withdraw his name after being investigated for wrongdoings by New Mexico and Federal officials.
5.      Todd Stern- Climate Czar- Thinks the only way to combat global warming is to paint all roads and roofs white. (seriously) Also thinks government should put sterilizations in city’s water to help population controls.
6.      Van Jones- Green Jobs Czar- Avowed communist, Black Panther…etc
7.      John Holdren- Science Czar- Believes that all animals should have the same rights as humans and even have representation by humans in courts. Also wants to outlaw all forms of hunting.
8.      Yosi Sergant- NEA (National Endowment of the Arts)- resigned recently for to mixing the NEA's work -- essentially non-partisan politics -- with the administration's legislative agenda on a conference call to art organizations to help push Obama’s agendas.
9.      Kevin Jennings- Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools Director- Following renewed reports about Jennings' failure to report an incident where a teen-aged student claimed to be sexually involved with an adult, Jennings admitting that he had acted improperly, only told the student to make sure to wear a condom!     
We can only imagine how many others haven’t been vetted by the MSM or swept under the rugs like all his other issues. The scariest this is that Obama still has over 70 seats to fill, Im sure each one will have just as colorful resumes as his past appointees. This fits perfectly with the quote about success being- “Your only as Successful as the people who you Surround yourself with” – Looks like President Obama will have on extremely successful presidency.

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