Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Liberals Rush to Judgement..... Again

The liberal main- stream media, race baiters such as Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson and other Democratic elitists have again, used the same worn-out rhetoric in convincing Dave Checkett and his management group to drop Rush Limbaugh (by using two fake racial quotes Mr. Limbaugh never said) therefore eliminating his chance of ever buying the St. Louis Rams, his hometown NFL team.
            First and foremost, Mr. Limbaugh had two quotes that he DID NOT SAY attributed to him FALSELY, one which praised the man who killed MLK – James Earl Ray and the other which said something along the lines of slavery making towns safe at night for citizens. These two quotes were then hand-picked by the main stream media who then ran with these false quotes without checking the source. The source, a liberal author, had 24 hours to verify his comments and couldn’t do so, causing him to apologize to Mr. Limbaugh.
In fact, Mr. Limbaugh had his lawyers send letters to CNN, MSNBC, and sportswriters and newscasters such as Mike Wilbon, David Shuster, Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton and others demanding a retraction- whom begrudgingly took back their statements, yet didn’t apologize for them. Wilbon- a talented sportswriter for “The Washington Compost”- even danced around a specific apology in his latest column by writing this: "I'm not going to try and give specific examples of things Limbaugh has said over the years because I screwed up already doing that, repeating a quote attributed to Limbaugh (about slavery) which he has told me he simply did not say and does not reflect his feelings. I take him at his word. . . . "
It’s sad to think that professional journalists are so lazy now that they will take any quote posted online and use it to smear and slander someone’s reputation so viciously without even checking the source of the quote.  
Since when has the NFL had such stringent standards it will go nutty by letting a conservative flex his American right to capitalism?
Imagine if whites protested when the rapper, JAY-Z purchased the New Jersey Nets because they were against his music being degrading to women and for glorifying inner-city violence with his music?
Rev. Jackson and Sharpton would have been right there, screaming racism, for not letting a minority own a basketball team. As Limbaugh points out in his Wall Street Journal neither one of these “Reverends” are squeaky clean either:
In 1998 Mr. Sharpton was found guilty of defamation and ordered to pay $65,000 for falsely accusing a New York prosecutor of rape in the 1987 Tawana Brawley case. He also played a leading role in the 1991 Crown Heights riot (he called neighborhood Jews "diamond merchants") and 1995 Freddie's Fashion Mart riot. Not to be outdone, Jesse Jackson, whose history includes anti-Semitic speech (in 1984 he referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in a Washington Post interview)”
It’s awful to use racism as a tool like these characters constantly do, but it’s even worse that they use the very same racism themselves, which they won’t tolerate from others. These examples, plus Jesse Jackson fathering an illegitimate child with an aide, while married and staying at the White House counseling President Clinton on his affair with Monica Lewinsky, is a pretty low moral standard for anybody, especially one wanting to call himself a “reverend”. We also all saw them fly down to Duke to castigate the lacrosse players there whom they have refused to apologize to as well. These guys are divisive!!
And when the NFL and especially, NFL President Roger Goodell commented on Rush Limbaugh as being “divisive” it is utterly absurd and beneath what the NFL should be focused on. They have allowed murderers, dog killers, and thugs into the league at a far higher rate than any other sport and having a “conservative” in the owner’s box wouldn’t be anything new.  It’s just that this conservative had been branded by the scarlet letter- (or in this case) word- racist. A label that once applied is impossible to shake. Just ask Don Imus.

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