Monday, October 5, 2009

Lost in Translation

On Wednesday night during President Obama’s speech to the joint sessions of congress there wasn’t a louder echo of the president’s speech than two simple words spoken by an anonymous back bench congressman from South Carolina name Joe Wilson. As  the president began elaborating on his heath care plan which he promised congress that Illegal Immigrants wouldn’t be covered, Congressman Joe Wilson (R, SC) shouted, “You Lie” which drew a deathly stare from House Leader Nancy Pelosi and has been reverberating ever since in the MSM as well as the blogosphere. These two simple words have managed to further split the bipartisan effort of the president and create a deeper chasm between both party’s as they argue over who and what President Obama’s Health Care Initiative will cover and how. Yet, these simple words have given the liberal media all the fodder it needs to now paint conservative republicans as racists, again.
            Joe Wilson immediately apologized to the President and his staff after his outburst, which they graciously accepted, but the matter and his words continue to be scrutinized and dissected by the liberal elite MSM, who continue to “SCREAM  Racist” at every opportunity they get. Many in the media also refuse to recognize Mr. Wilson’s service to the country in the National Guard- as well as refusing to cover the fact that all four of his sons have served in the military, next to and with soldiers of every race, sex, and religious affiliation.
 Now, Mr. Wilson is not only being painted as a racist, but as an activist trying to the deny rights to the over 30 million illegal immigrants who are currently in our country. So he now hates both blacks and Hispanics.
            David Shuster a MSNBC anchor was quoted as saying, ““I think the evidence is so overwhelming that there is an effort out there to demonize the first African-American president. I think that the question is, is there sort of an institutional bigotry in certain quarters of this country, or are these isolated instances? And I don’t know the answer to that, but it’s frightening either way.” This irresponsible commentary was never questioned during the Presidency of George W Bush when they MSM continually focused on his “rush to war” as they continually lead the news with American Soldiers being killed fighting the “War on Terror”, a term quietly retired during Obama’s first few months of his presidency. MSNBC also lead their Monday coverage with poster showing Obama being a communist or Marxist, terms that were immediately labeled on Bush as he, and our amazing troops valiantly fought to make America the safe haven it had been before 9/11. There was no uproar over these marches or the comments made by Senator Harry Reid calling President Bush a liar while speaking to Nevada High School Students in 2006. 
            The fact of the matter is Rep. Joe Wilson was wrong to shout out in such a hallowed place, yet the White House immediately released a press memo the following day proclaiming that in fact Illegal Immigrants would not be covered up the new Health Care Bill, giving Rep. Wilson a huge victory and validation to the claim that under the past bill, Illegal Immigrants would have in fact been covered by this new Health Care Reform.    
            So the real question remains, Who really is lying?  

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