Thursday, October 8, 2009

Putting the “I” in President

I am not sure we have ever had a President of the United States as narcissist and arrogant as our current President. Imagine, for a second… a three year U.S Senator (with three years being said, “Loosely”) without ONE single piece of important legislation authored and or passed during this time and who voted “present” over 130! Times, 130! TIMES!
This as an Illinois State Senator! The guy can’t even take a stand on the state level and now we expect him to deliver on the national level?  This is like calling up a single “A” Pitcher and expecting him to throw a no hitter in the World Series; we should assume we are screwed.
            But imagine that people think our single “A” pitcher, who has never even completed a game or thrown a no- hitter, is all of a sudden Nolan Ryan, begging for a chance to pitch to the best hitters in the game.
Except the problem is the whole world saw him throw out the first pitch at the 2009 All- Star Game, and his sissy looking pitch totally reflects his sissy looking take on politics, except, like his pitch, he thinks he’s throwing heat. The world thinks otherwise.
In 2009 President Obama has yet to pass anything major besides his atrocious $787 billion dollar stimulus package, which  promised jobs that still haven’t came. Unemployment continues to rise,   
“(Reuters) - U.S. employers cut a deeper-than-expected 263,000 jobs in September, lifting the unemployment rate to 9.8 percent, according to a government report on Friday that fueled fears the weak labor market could undermine economic recovery. The Labor Department said the unemployment rate was the highest since June 1983 and payrolls had now dropped for 21 consecutive months.”
            And we have a leader who has spoken more about himself than ANY other President in our nation’s history, and still hasn’t pitched a strike!
            So far in the 41 speeches he has given in 2009, he has mentioned himself 1,198 times to be exact. This equals 1,121 “I”’s and only 77 “me’s” during all of his speeches so far. This surpasses any president by more than 8x per speech.
It also does not include the fact that President Obama has already had a record 8 prime- time press conferences, surpassing Bush I, Clinton and Bush II COMBINED!
            During President Obama’s recent speech to the IOC he mentioned “I” in an astounding 70 of the 80 paragraphs of his speech. No wonder Chicago came in last of the four nations vying for the Olympics; imagine what a man who can’t throw a baseball 90 feet, 9 inches without hitting the dirt( and looking like a girl in the meantime, sorry to all you girls) would do to our Nation’s Athletic Prestige, he’s already done enough to kill our Nations Political Prestige.
            Of course Narcissus was the man who in Greek mythology fell in love with his own reflection, not his girly pitch….

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