Friday, October 9, 2009

A Noble Shame

Their have been a few times in everyone’s lives where they have certain memories that stick out where you will never forget and always remember where you were when they happened.  Some are lives minor details that are only shared with friends or family like when I was sitting in the press box with my father and older brother watching my little brother hit a dead center, two run dinger that advanced his All- Star team to the state finals.
Others are major like when 9/11 occurred or sitting in my fraternity house watching the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina as it destroyed New Orleans. As people store these events differently in their heads to look back on fondly or solemnly, I can add one more to my list as today, while getting ready for work and eating breakfast, I literally had to pick my jaw up off the floor as I saw that President Obama will become only our nations 3rd sitting president to receive The Nobel Peace Prize, the others were Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson- both second term presidents whom won the prize --Woodrow Wilson in 1919 for founding the League of Nations, Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War .
Alternating between wiping the coffee off my computer screen and reading the articles posted on “The Drudge Report” about this fiasco, it was clear this memory is one where I will never forget where I was when seeing it.
According to Alfred Nobel the Peace Prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
            The deadline to be considered for the Nobel is February 1st of every year. This means Obama had received the award based on hmmm…campaigning?
He hadn’t even been in office more than three weeks so he had yet to give his “famous” Middle East peace speech in Cairo, or had yet to post his “You Tube” message to Iran, where he boldly declared, “If you unclench your fist, we will extend our hand.” which has only emboldened Iran to INCREASE their Nuclear Arms program, as they continue to enlarge the number of centrifuges needed to amass a nuclear weapon. It was before the G-20 Summit where our nation’s biggest ally, Great Britain and their leader, Gordon Brown, tried unsuccessfully to meet with Obama an astounding 5 times! I mean they are the people whom we rely on the most for help and this is a guy who received a box of DVD’s during his first meeting with the President was then denied in a second attempt. It wasn’t like he was looking for a nice gift.
             He has done nothing for peace in the Middle East, nothing for The Sudan or Darfur, he has doing nothing for our nation’s homosexuals (which he promised to make a number 1 priority) and he can’t even control the violence or provide “peace” to his city, Chicago- who just had a 15 year old honor student smacked with a wooden beam then stomped to death-Not to mention the fact that he also has increased (wisely so) the number of troops in Afghanistan by 60,000- still 40,000 short of what our forces really need.
They only time I can think of that he ended something peacefully was when he allowed S.E.A.L snipers to blow-off three Somali pirates heads as they held an American cargo crew captain hostage. That’s peace baby! 
This is just another feather in the hat of a President who has done nothing as a community activist, state politician, Senator, or President.
Good thing that people whom haven’t received the award include Pope John Paul II, Cesar Chavez, Mahatma Gandhi, and the amazing and wonderful Pope John XXIII (so I’m Bias with the Popes, I’m Roman Catholic) their reputations would now be sullied if they were lumped in the Nobel Peace Prize category, which now includes Obama.
One good thing is that he now gets to join a group that his old friends would be jealous of, including, Yasser Arafat and Liberal icons Al Gore and Jimmy Carter.  
In researching this post I found an interesting and funny quote that basically sums up Obama’s achievements and… he said it about himself in a 2006 Washington Post article while giving a speech to “The Gridiron Club”:

“I’ve been very blessed,” he said. “Keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention. The cover of Newsweek. My book made the best-seller list. I just won a Grammy for reading it on tape. And I've had the chance to speak not once but twice before the Gridiron Club. Really what else is there to do? Well, I guess, I could pass a law, or something.”

Yeah I guess maybe you should……… or at least SOMETHING!!!

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