Monday, October 5, 2009

A Forgotten War?

As the democrats and our President continue to aggressively push their Health Care Reform Bill during the August recess the media seems to be taking the same vacation that our congressmen and Senators are enjoying. As the MSM follows President Obama’s bike rides, rounds of golf, and family ice cream cone outings during his posh vacation at a $50,000 a week Martha Vineyard mansion, they have decided to again ignore the nation’s “real” news to focus on a Presidents meaningless family vacation at a elite location that 98% of Americans would never be able to afford. So as all the beltway insiders agree that August is typically the slowest news month of the year in DC, they have decided to completely ignore the fact that July and August has been the deadliest month in Afghanistan since we have been there in late 2001 after 9/11.
            During President George W Bush’s term as president every nightly newscast began and ended with daily updates on the miserable progress and deadly toll the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was taking on our brave troops who were fighting for our country’s freedom. Car bombs, suicide bombers, and IED’s were showing us the graphic and deadly consequences of our nation waging a war on terror. The MSM also highlighted many misleading stories about our troops committing wonton acts of brutality including rapes and murders on innocent Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians, and even declared our U.S marines guilty for the of killing 8 civilians in Haditha, during a fierce fire- fight, before the facts had even came out. All 9 accused Marines have been completely exonerated on these charges and still haven’t received an apology from our nation’s media or the Liberal Democrats who accused them of these heinous crimes
When Bush would use Air Force drones to carryout targeted and successful bombings of high level Al- Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan the leading media news story would inevitably focus on the one or two innocent victims who were staying in the same hut as these terrorists. Then as these newscasters has finished their diatribe of how horrible and heartless it was of Bush to order bombings knowing that innocent civilians may be killed, they would casually mention the success of the attacks and hardly focus on how the world and our country now has two or three less militant terrorists to fight against. The bias was widespread and misleading to average Americans and gave ammo to the nations liberals about how awful the damage of war is.
Now we have a MSM that continues to sleep on the mounting casualties which are currently occurring in Afghanistan. As our America soldiers body’s pile up, the media chooses to focus on what kind of ice cream Obama’s family is eating or what the first lady decided to wear on her latest trip out. What happened to the constant news footage of deadly bombings in Afghanistan and American soldier’s body’s being loaded into caskets draped American flags onto Air Force cargo plans that ABC, NBC, and CNN decided to show during Bush’s presidency? These images had been considered taboo since the Vietnam war and news organizations had decided since them that it was “un-honorable” for the images to be shown out of respect for the victims family’s. That ended with the MSM’s hatred towards Bush, yet has currently stopped because of the media’s love affair with Obama.
Recently Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the leader of all our military forces in Afghanistan has declared “That the Taliban has currently gained back strongholds in many of the country’s city’s including, populated areas like the volatile southern city of Kandahar, the insurgency’s spiritual home, and that unless we increase our troop levels immediately that this war may be lost”.
Violence is on the rise in Afghanistan even as it falls in Iraq, where nearly twice as many U.S. troops are still based. Five U.S. troops have died in Iraq this month, three fewer than in July. More than 60,000 U.S. troops are in the country — a record number — to fight rising insurgent violence. The number of roadside bombs deployed by militants across the country has skyrocketed, and U.S. forces have moved into new and deadlier areas this summer, in part to help secure the country's Aug. 20 presidential election.
 While these escalations continue to occur, the same liberals and media types however have continued to show their infatuation with our current President by hardly mentioning the fact that July and August have been the deadliest months ever in Afghanistan since we have been there for the last 8 years.
            Again, the MSM would rather praise Obama’s every move while ignoring some of the serious challenges our country is currently facing, eventually these facts will begin to out- way the adulation, and the media and the President need to confront the truth.

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