Friday, October 30, 2009

Say Goodbye to Hollywood....

Hollywood is the destination of dreams for many people across the land, who crave the trappings of being rich, famous movie stars. Celebrities in “Tinsel Town” get paid absurd amounts of money, live in palatial estates, hobnob with the elites of the world and are recognized universally for the movies they write, produce, or star in.
            However, when Hollywood opens their collective mouth you see how ignorant and isolated they are from the real world and how un-intelligent they are when not reading from a script.
Hollywood stars are outrageously liberal-which doesn’t matter to me- except when they consistently bash America and say outrageous things about our past president-all while praising communist dictators such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, but there isn’t a more glaring recent example of Hollywood’s absolute eeriness than that of the case of director Roman Polanski.
             The Roman Polanski case couldn’t be a better illustration of Hollywood’s ignorance.
32 years ago, the Academy Award winning director plied a 14 year old girl with champagne and
part of a Quaalude then proceeded to have non-consensual oral, vaginal, and anal sex with her- as she repeatedly tried to refuse him.
After the rape, the victim went to the authority’s, who had enough evidence for  a grand jury to issue a six-count indictment against the Polish-born director that included charges of rape, sodomy and lewd or lascivious act upon a child under 14.
Polanski’s lawyer managed to have the charges reduced to the single charge of "unlawful intercourse with a minor". He plead guilty to this charge, but before sentencing Polanski fled to France, avoiding any jail time which he would have served.  
            After arriving in France, Polanski began an affair with a 15 year old named Nastassja Kinski. This is a classic pattern of pedophile behavior and more importantly shows Mr.Polanski’s total disregard or remorse for his past crime. Roman Polanski is a disgusting pedophile who raped and sodomized a 14 year old girl and then became a fugitive of the law. Now the past has finally caught up to Mr. Polanski, after being on the run for 3 decades he has been arrested in Switzerland.  
Most decent, law abiding, and intelligent individuals across the world would applaud this move, after when a crime is committed, especially one as heinous as this, the world becomes a safer place.
Pedophiles are considered the most evil and repulsive criminals. They rob young innocent children of their youth and the victims suffer the aftermath for the rest of their lives. In prisons, pedophiles are considered the lowest form of criminal and even hard-core seasoned convicts look down on them with disgust and target and alienate them from the rest of the general population. Even talking or associating with one could get you killed.
This is how serious even other prisoners take crimes committed on kids.
            However, Hollywood through its arrogance and “high moral principles” has turned the criminal into the victim- with many stars and directors rallying around Mr. Polanski, defending him at all costs.
Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein was recently asked by The LA Times to comment on the situation and responded beautifully:
"Hollywood has the best moral compass, because it has compassion. Roman Polanski is a man who cares deeply about his art and its place in the world."
In fact Hollywood was so outraged at this extreme miscarriage of justice, Harvey Weinstein and his famous “moral compass” created a petition demanding the immediate release of Polanski and collected over 100 signatures (so far) from many Hollywood elites including:
Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Salman Rushdie, Natalie Portman, Harrison Ford,  Pedro Almodovar, Monica Bellucci, Jonathan Demme, Terry Gilliam, John Landis, David Lynch, Tilda Swinton, Wim Wenders, Darren Aronofsky, Michael Mann, Julian Schnabel, Tom Tykwer, etc….     This petition was sent to French Officials and includes ridiculous statement such as:
“…. His arrest follows an American arrest warrant dating from 1978 against the filmmaker, in a case of morals…. Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renowned and international artist… …now facing extradition. This extradition, if it takes place, will be heavy in consequences and will take away his freedom.
Filmmakers, actors, producers and technicians - everyone involved in international filmmaking - want him to know that he has their support and friendship. If only in the name of this friendship between our two countries, we demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski.

So a convicted pedophile and fugitive finally being captured to face the consequences of his horrendous crime elicits howls of anger from Hollywood’s elite-As they stated “In a case of morals-  will get his freedom taken away- as they DEMAND his immediate release (as if he’s an innocent civilian being held hostage by Al-Qaeda).
             As Hollywood constantly yaps about global warming, torturing at GITMO, Bush’s war crimes, and how stupid Sarah Palin is- nothing could be worse than their defense of this man.
            Amazingly the media hasn’t responded as critically as they should, mostly because The LA Times supports Polanski-  more stars continue to comment- all of them suffering from foot-in-mouth disease while showing their “compassion”, again not for the victim, but for the CRIMINAL!
Patricia Arquette – star of the TV show “Medium” told CNN that Polanski’s situation was:  “Complicated”
Jillian Michaels from the hit TV show “Biggest Loser” said: “Who are we to judge?”
Whoopi Goldberg from “The View” – a show hosted entirely by women and aimed at a female audience sparked minor outrage by saying: “What Polanski did was not "rape-rape,"
Coming in first, though- with the most despicable and offensive of all- is author Gore Vidal. The vile comments he made during an interview with The Atlantic- Take the “Hollywood Elitism” cake
“I don't give a f---" about the Polanski case. "Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she's been taken advantage of?"
"The idea that this girl was in her communion dress, a little angel all in white, being raped by this awful Jew, Polacko - that's what people were calling him - well, the story is totally different now from what it was then."

            These common views held by Hollywood elite’s show their inherent disconnect from the real world. A child rapist is a child rapist- and Hollywood has allowed their “moral compass” to point in the wrong direction, yet again- the sad and scary thing is- it’s not their first time and it won’t be their last.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blaming Bush

Obama has been president and Commander-in- Chief for 10 months now and he still hasn’t stopped refraining himself from blaming George W Bush for every tough decision he needs to make. His newest occurrence of “Bush Blaming” stems from his inability to make a policy decision regard the worsening situation on the ground in Afghanistan.
In October alone we have had 55 deaths in Afghanistan, making it the deadliest month since the war began in 2001.
Earlier in the week Obama stated:
“We are finally getting Afghan policy right after long years of drift”.
These comments directly conflict with the plan President Obama laid out six months ago when he made his major address announcing their administration’s own Afghan strategy with the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State standing alongside him.
This major speech outlined his plan and strategy for the region, not Bush’s strategy.  That was six months ago- and he still hasn’t enacted his plan- while more US soldiers die. Obama cannot take the responsibility or criticism for the casualties occurred during his watch and has callously pushed off the problems by blaming the past administration.
            Last night on Fox News, syndicated Columnist, Charles Krauthammer Summed up his thoughts on this issue perfectly by saying:
“What is happening today is not as a result of the drift so-called in the Bush years. It is because of the drift in his years. It is because of the flaws in his own strategy, which is what he is now reexamining.
He has every right as commander in chief to reexamine his own strategy, but he ought to be honest, forthright, and courageous enough as the president to simply say I'm rethinking the strategy I adopted six months ago and not once again in a child-like way attack his predecessor.”
These comments couldn’t have been more on accurate.
 President Obama has blamed Bush constantly for inheriting what he said (falsely) is
 “ The worst economy since the Great Depression”( Reagan inherited a far worse economy stemming from the Carter years) and used this rhetoric to pass his extremely expensive, yet unproductive stimulus bill, which he promised would jumpstart the economy and  prevent unemployment from rising past 8.5% by producing “millions of shovel ready” jobs.
 Instead, unemployment has continued to rise (currently at 10.5%) and the dollar continues to fall, based on fears of inflation that stem from massive and uncontrolled spending.
 Now, 8 months after this stimulus bill, which he passed, with no republican support in the house and only two Republican votes in the Senate, Obama once again cannot take the disapproval over the so-far failed stimulus by reminding everyone how awful Bush ruined the economy.
This pattern of continually making excuses and passing the blame is very worrisome not to mention a sign of extreme weakness being displayed by a president.
 The president campaigned knowing that he had many different problems which needed to be tackled as the leader of our nation. He was elected because the majority of American’s believed he was more capable than Senator McCain to solve these problems. By forever blaming Bush, it conveys that Obama is either overwhelmed with the responsibilities which come from such a stressful job or that he is incapable about taking criticism for the policy’s he enacts.
This is very troubling for the future of our nation because no one likes people who make promises they can’t deliver on and American’s especially dislike politicians who won’t hold themselves responsible and complain about how bad the situation was when they entered it. They want to see leaders who solve problems not criticize the people who created them, especially when Obama is beginning to wrap up his first year in office.
Imagine if a newly hired coach of a struggling professional team constantly blamed their predecessor for not being able to win games after he has already been hired to coach. They wouldn’t last long in their profession because their job is to turn around the franchise by compiling a capable staff of proven winners, cut poor performers, and instill confidence and excitement into the players and fan base by encouraging them that their team is turning the page from the disappointments of the past. This is how our current president should be governing our nation- looking towards the bright prospects of the future and not rehashing the misery of the past.
As a supposed sports fan, Obama should know this and realize that blaming his past predecessor makes him look inept, weak, and incapable of performing a job that many American’s believed he could.
The indecision and nastiness coming from this administration and the president has caused his popularity to suffer dramatically. No newly elected American president has ever seen such a rapid and steep decline in the polls and he now owns the largest presidential polling drop EVER!
As  his inexperience as a politician and two -year Senator becomes glaring obvious to the public and by engaging in petty- partisan politics- He is proving to everyone he isn’t what people thought he was- the problem is- he’s worse- and there’s no blaming Bush for that.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Chicago Way

By now everyone who follows politics has heard the phrase, “The Chicago Way” as a term to define the method the current administration is running the White House. This phrase harks back to the rough-and-tumble style of politics that runs amuck in the windy city. This method is simply defined as a dog-eat-dog world for political survival. In the city of Chicago, their famous political phrase is “Vote early and Vote Often”- The Chicago Way.
Its main goals are to target their political enemies who disagree with their policies and try to marginalize and destroy them. They use many tactics to accomplish this and we are now witnessing just how The Chicago Way works as they call out different industries and portray them as the enemies with the help of the President’s fawning media.
Fox News, The Chamber of Commerce, Insurance Companies, Doctors, and Republicans have all been targeted by the administration for not bending to their will. The administration is seasoned in these types of political games and so far has done very well in turning the tide against their perceived “enemies”.
Many of White House staffers are savvy and seasoned veterans trained in this bare-knuckle style of win-at- all-costs Chicago Politics. Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, John Podesta and Valerie Jarrett have all been schooled by the city’s unquestioned Democratic leader -Mayor Richard Daley- whose family has held the city under its corrupt thumb for the last four decades.   
Daley’s Chicago Way includes giving out high paying jobs to family members and friends -including Valerie Jarrett who worked in the mayor’s office (her father was a close Daley associate), being investigated for numerous pay-for-play schemes, one which included giving his friends and drinking buddies, white guys with mob connections, $100 million in city affirmative action contracts, all the while receiving Obama’s support and encouragement while he was in the State Senate.
Why didn’t the master of “Hope and Change” denounce these many cases of criminal corruption? - Because his wife Michelle Obama- was working in the Mayor’s office –hand- in-hand with Mayor Daley-That’s the Chicago Way.
Barack Obama’s first taste of the Chicago way of politics occurred when he decided to run against the much liked civil rights activist, Alice Palmer who had previously lost her bid at a national congressional seat in congress and decided to re-run for the State Senate seat she had  previously held.
Ms. Palmer-at the time was a good friend and mentor to Obama- and was a well-liked state representative for years in the Windy City. Many people advised the young Obama to wait his turn for a later state senate run. After all, he was still a young, ambitious fellow who had practiced Civil Rights Law at a Chicago Law firm for only 3 years at the time.
 However, he was an ardent student of the Saul Alinsky methods of obtaining power through community agitation and organizing and put these practices to good use in his first real campaign against Ms. Palmer.
After Ms. Palmer had secured the necessary number of signatures to run as a candidate, Mr. Obama sent his aides to the courthouse to carefully examine all of Alice Palmer's signatures to see if enough could be disallowed to knock her off the ballot altogether.  And indeed, some of Alice's signatures were fake. 
The aides also found enough other fake signatures on opponents' ballot initiatives to knock them off the ballot as well. This maneuver cleared the path for an easy victory for Obama in his first successful run for the Illinois State Senate- That’s The Chicago Way.
Now that they are running the White House, Obama and Emanuel are creating a new list of perceived enemies as they go about discrediting those who are not in lockstep with their progressive agendas- That’s The Chicago Way.
Obama’s current Chief-of-Staff, the foul-mouthed Rahm Emanuel, whose been quoted as saying, “F#$% Republicans,” and a Chicago native, is a typically colorful figure, known for once mailing a rotting fish to a political opponent and while at a post-election dinner in 1992 he repeatedly stabbed a steak knife into a table as he yelled out the names of those he considered President Bill Clinton's enemies.
Currently he is responsible for leading the charge against Fox News in an attempt to harm the reputation of the news channel. He even went as far as barring President Obama from appearing on the network and has refused his staff to appear on the channel- That’s The Chicago Way.
Obama recently called out The Chamber of Commerce for going against the administration’s stance on Cap-and- Trade legislation and new consumer protection regulations because the Chamber thinks it will end up killing jobs in some of the thousands of businesses it represents.
Many democrats are anxious and frustrated that the White House would go after such a group which helps to promote and protect businesses and who have traditional always had a great working relationship with past administrations.
"The chamber represents thousands of businesses . . . most of which are apolitical," said Rep. James P. Moran, a Virginia Democrat. "I'm not sure that that is the appropriate target to go after."
Instead the Obama administration is trying to create its own “Business Roundtable” by encouraging large businesses to drop out of the Chamber and work directly with the White House. So far Apple and Nike have both dropped themselves from the Chamber with many companies now beginning to follow suit.
Who’s behind this major strategy? – Chicago Native- Valerie Jarrett, who added this to the change:
"Our strategy is to reach out directly to the business community," said Valerie Jarrett, the president's liaison to the corporate world. "This is a shift. Previously, the chamber had served as the sole intermediary for business. That's not our approach."
Jarrett also praised the Business Roundtable, saying that it brings member CEOs to White House meetings in addition to Washington lobbyists. - That’s The Chicago Way     
Another example of Obama’s masterful use of the Chicago Way is when he began pushing his healthcare plan and initially accused doctors of performing useless and expensive operations on patients to collect a bigger paycheck.
When the AMA quickly denounced his comments perhaps Obama’s team realized it wasn’t smart to criticize the very people you’re trying to aggressively support in your new Health Care plan, they quickly shifted gears and began targeting the Insurance Company as the culprits behind our “broken” Health Care system. They accused them of making too much money, for dropping patients who had acne and other outrageous claims- with no factual support but claims that the media can hold on to and report as “real” news to help the public back the plan.
The Chicago Way will now be “The Washington Way” for the next four years as his advisors try to govern the only way they know how- through bullying and intimidation. After all this was the same man who told a campaign crowd in Philadelphia,
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
            To bad he doesn’t act this tough globally- he’s too busy bowing to Saudi Kings, talking with Iran, and accommodating Russia and China in any way possible, that’s not The Chicago Way - that’s “The Obama Way”.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

America's Global Warming Debate Begins to Thaw

As the recession continues to remain stagnant and with 49 of 50 states recently reporting job losses instead of job gains, Americans have put climate change on the back-burner as they become increasingly worried about their own future. Climate Change or Global Warming is an interesting and divisive topic in today’s political landscape because the tremendous amount of unemployed citizens has caused Congress to switch gears and focus on trying to revamp the economy instead of saving mother earth. This seems to be a better move politically as trees and plants cannot vote. The Democrats enjoy a super majority in Congress, yet even they are not stupid enough to pass a bad Cap-and-Trade bill which will do major and irreversible damage too many Midwest blue-collar industrial jobs including farming.
            Climate Change is a very tricky pill for many to swallow because of all the misleading and down-right strange articles being published in newspapers about how and why it occurs.
I’ve read articles that promote sterilizing women to prevent global warming, one encouraging people to wear a special “green shirt” which has removable sleeves to use as toilet paper that can then be cleaned and reused, and many others blaming climate change on anything from cattle to big screen TV’s. Many environmentalists or believers in climate change cannot even give you the same answer if you ask the same question to two people separately. Anything and everything is now contributing to “Climate Change”. This funny term took over after having a few periods of cold weather; therefore people couldn’t say Global Warming so they simply rebranded their cause.
Some call “Climate Change” - Seasons. When I grew up, we had warm summers, brisk falls, cold winters, and beautiful, rainy springs. It doesn’t seem like much has changed since then. Currently, we are only in October and it has already snowed in New England and Michigan.
            My whole point is that as an American who loves the outdoors I would hope everyone does their best to recycle and conserve the wonderful and majestic planet God created for us to use. I recycle, try not to litter, and pick-up trash whenever I see it out walking or fishing, nothing pisses me off more than seeing trash floating in the water. In fact, what many people don’t know is that there are currently more trees in America right now then there has ever been. This is because people have made trees an important commodity in world trade. By making trees valuable for use in an assortment of products- tree farms have popped up to ensure that trees will be available to consumers to create products. Therefore, tree farmers are ensuring to replant trees at a tremendous rate to maintain their businesses. Trees are important in creating oxygen by inhaling CO2 emissions.
            However, to create a “Carbon Free” economy through Cap-and-Trade will kill our economy and push unemployment higher, deepening our current recession. Without having India and China (currently the world’s biggest polluters) on board any manufacturer in America will simply move their factories overseas where they won’t need to deal with the absurd regulations that will result from Cap-and-Trade. This will cost more Americans jobs, as well as, losing valuable tax money that these huge corporations pay.  This has already occurred when the corporate tax rate was raised under Bill Clinton.
After Bush cut the rate, America saw 7 years of the  lowest unemployment rate ever and received great fiscal success because by giving  money back to the corporations they were able to expand,  hire more workers, and build new factories.   
            Moreover it is estimated by the CBO that Cap -and -Trade will cost the average America family between $1,200-1,600 in higher yearly electric rates. This is another tax that won’t help our current economic problems. That money could be used for upgrading your house, buying new products, or anything else people want to spend it on- instead of writing another check to Uncle Sam.
 Cap- and-Trade has major backing by big city liberal elitists who know nothing about the American Midwest. The Mid-West is built of many small farming communities which rely on heavy duty equipment to ensure that the food we eat gets to our table. Many of these people have never even ridden a subway, yet liberal politicians refuse to acknowledge that public transportation isn’t available for everyone, as they chide people for not riding buses, bicycles, or subways more often. And as they take over the car industry, they have constantly pressed for smaller and more fuel efficient cars, again forgetting the mid-western farmers will not be able to load bales of hay or large fence poles into their Prius’s.
A recent poll showed that only 51% of Americans now rank Climate Change as a pressing issue down 73% since last year’s poll. This dramatic drop shows the general public’s uneasiness with the cost and regulations that come with a bill promising such dramatic changes in carbon rationing. People are also smartening up to the fact that any cost occurred by the Cap and Trade bill by the producer will simply be absorbed by the consumer, thus raising prices on anything manufactured, farmed, shipped, imported, or created in America. Couple this with the $1,000 plus increase in your general electric bill and it creates quite a price increase for the average family.
Democrats continue to claim how we are being held hostage by the Middle East oil barons and OPEC, which is certainly true in many ways, yet they are adamant about not allowing our country to explore and cultivate our vast resources in Alaska and off-shore in the Gulf of Mexico where millions of barrels of oils exists.
 They just continue to spread the myth that our country t will be able to solely rely on solar and wind power in the near future. Currently 0.03 % of America’s energy is created from these sources. This shows how unreliable and difficult it is to simply harness these methods. Not to mention that if we do switch to electric “smart” cars it will only increase power usage by creating a product that needs massive amounts of power when plugged in to charge for driving.
If Democrats really wanted a clean solution to carbon and energy problems they should follow the lead of France- the very country many liberals love- and consider nuclear energy. France generates 70% of their energy by this method and it is clean and safe.
However, it seems all they are willing to do is crush corporations and kill jobs in order to save the planet- they don’t seem to worry about the citizens they represent, as they continue to generate ideas that will fundamentally change our economy and way of life for years to come.

Obama's Endless Campaign

 Then Presidential candidate Barack Obama and his team of campaign advisors including the new “Architect” David Axelrod did an extraordinary job of campaigning for the presidency in 2008. During the campaign Obama and his staff managed to re-write how modern day campaigns will now be run in the future. They used simply and catchy phrases to grab young voters attention and turned the candidate into the message by personifying Obama as “Hope and Change” for future politics. They mastered  internet fundraising by soliciting small donations,  recruited grass-root supporters and energizing young, first time voters by giving eloquent and soaring speeches, sometimes in front of crowds numbering over 80,000.
            Yet, now 9 months into his presidency it seems all the campaign adulation President Obama received on the trail has gone to his head as he takes every available opportunity to leave the Oval office and hit the campaign trail again and again to push his agenda’s to the public (who can’t even vote for them) or to stump for Democratic candidates who are facing re-election in the fall.
By now everyone knows how difficult it had been for Obama to make a decision in the Illinois Senate with his record of simply voting “present”. Now, he seems to be continuing this disturbing pattern while governing the country as our President. He seems to flip-flop or push off pressing decisions for as long as possible while he continues to run his endless campaign.
 Toby Harnden from the UK Telegraph writes this interesting tidbit:
“Next week's fundraising events in Florida and Virginia will bring to 24 the number of such functions he had headlined since entering office in January. During his first year in office, Mr Bush attended just six fundraisers.”
This staggering fact shows the eagerness the President displays to hit the campaign trail at any moment while continuing to dither on major decisions. He still seems unsure about his assessment to commit to the counter-insurgency plan he concocted in February concerning Afghanistan and has faltered on making the commitment to more troops in that region.  Meanwhile, while he continues to hit the trail, U.S troop morale is reaching an all time low in that region.
President Obama was elected on the promise of being post-partisan to Washington and transforming the country. Thus far, he has won the support of only a single Republican for his health-care plan and has shown himself to be as aggressive a Democratic partisan in office as anyone in the fabled Clinton war room and attacking a news organization for ‘unfair’ coverage doesn’t help unite anything either.
Beyond the grand announcements, fine speeches and his eager acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr. Obama has yet to achieve anything of substance. It is time for his campaign to end.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama Fiddles while Afghanistan Burns

            President Obama and his staff have once again called an audible on an important decision that requires immediate action. Instead of using the primetime Sunday news shows to give Americans the president’s plan on Afghanistan, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel decided to attack an American news organization instead. This is becoming a disturbing pattern in this new administration. . Whether it is Rush Limbaugh or Fox News the Obama team continually tries to use “smoke and mirrors” on the American people to distract them from the real and urgent issues that we as Americans are facing today. When his top two advisors go on the Sunday talk show circuit and attack other Americans for “unfair”’ press, it diverts  attention away from answering real questions.
The one that should be the most important now is will Obama follow  General Stanley McChrystal’s (Commander of US and NATO Forces in Afghanistan) and Defense Secretary Robert Gate’s advice and increase the amount of troops in that region? So far, Obama and his crack team of Marxists, socialists, and communists, haven’t been able to even release the date of when Obama will make the decision. They cannot even decide when! To make it, less answer the request coming from his top Commanders in the field.
Meanwhile, “Sheriff Joe” Biden, has came out publicly calling for a complete withdraw from the region. This awesome plan would put Afghanistan right back into the hands of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda which would further enable them to regroup and create even more terrorist training camps as before because they would have the momentum and confidence caused by an American retreat.  
VP Joe Biden has been wrong about every single war issue since he has been in the Senate. During the Clinton Administration he was for going to war with Bosnia and Kosovo, declaring it a “Humanitarian Must” and provided us with this gem of a quote:
“I came back to the Republicans and laid out the death camps in Kosovo, the rape camps in Bosnia — I laid it out in stark relief,” he told me. “These guys” — the Republicans — “said, ‘It’s not our business.’ What is so transformational in the last four years is that these a**holes who wouldn’t give President Clinton the authority to use force” have now become, he said, moral interventionists. “Give me a f**king break.”

            He voted for the war in Iraq, and then 13 months later, was against it. He was the main lobbyist for breaking Iraq into three separate “autonomous” states where all the different religious sects would have their own separate country. He also said that Bush’s troop “surge” strategy (which was an astounding success) in Iraq was “absolutely the wrong strategy”.
During the campaign, he was for increasing the troop level in Afghanistan and said “we will do whatever it takes to finish the war there”. Of course, as VP, he was the first to advise President Obama to not increase the amount of troops in that region, a decision which Obama rejected and sent an additional 40,000 troops. Now, he is at it again urging the President not to increase the troop level even after the Generals and Pentagon are begging for help.
What happened to the VP being such a “humanitarian”? Has he not heard of the despicable ways the Afghan males treat the women or gays in their country?
Has he not read about how women are raped on sight, how they need to provide sex with their husbands on demand, or how if they are in a room with an un-married male they get disfigured by acid, caned or stoned to death. Or  if they suspect you of being  gay they make you jump off a high dive platform into a deep, empty, concrete shell -that used to be a pool, and if you survive your straight if not you must have been gay. Afghanistan has an atrocious record on civil and humanitarian rights. Under the Taliban they would bomb all-girl schools (which were set up on the sly) because women were not allowed an education and kill all the innocent people inside for helping them try to learn. What happened to our “Humanitarian Joe”?
            Now as the situation becomes more and more urgent for the President to make that important “3am decision” he is doing anything and everything but to make it. It also shows the fracture in the Administration with how they will respond to the Generals thoughts. If the VP has doubts publicly it makes the President look bad if they turn out right.
Recently, Gen. Stanley McChrystal submitted an assessment stating that, without additional forces, the U.S. effort in Afghanistan “will likely result in failure.” 
            This statement by our top Commander in Afghanistan shouldn’t be taken lightly and as the violence in that area heats up, the press will begin pressuring the administration for an answer, I just hope that President Obama isn’t listening to “Sheriff Joe” on this one because he hasn’t been right yet and the violence continues to take our brave soldiers lives in Afghanistan as Obama fiddles in the States….

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Liberals Rush to Judgement..... Again

The liberal main- stream media, race baiters such as Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson and other Democratic elitists have again, used the same worn-out rhetoric in convincing Dave Checkett and his management group to drop Rush Limbaugh (by using two fake racial quotes Mr. Limbaugh never said) therefore eliminating his chance of ever buying the St. Louis Rams, his hometown NFL team.
            First and foremost, Mr. Limbaugh had two quotes that he DID NOT SAY attributed to him FALSELY, one which praised the man who killed MLK – James Earl Ray and the other which said something along the lines of slavery making towns safe at night for citizens. These two quotes were then hand-picked by the main stream media who then ran with these false quotes without checking the source. The source, a liberal author, had 24 hours to verify his comments and couldn’t do so, causing him to apologize to Mr. Limbaugh.
In fact, Mr. Limbaugh had his lawyers send letters to CNN, MSNBC, and sportswriters and newscasters such as Mike Wilbon, David Shuster, Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton and others demanding a retraction- whom begrudgingly took back their statements, yet didn’t apologize for them. Wilbon- a talented sportswriter for “The Washington Compost”- even danced around a specific apology in his latest column by writing this: "I'm not going to try and give specific examples of things Limbaugh has said over the years because I screwed up already doing that, repeating a quote attributed to Limbaugh (about slavery) which he has told me he simply did not say and does not reflect his feelings. I take him at his word. . . . "
It’s sad to think that professional journalists are so lazy now that they will take any quote posted online and use it to smear and slander someone’s reputation so viciously without even checking the source of the quote.  
Since when has the NFL had such stringent standards it will go nutty by letting a conservative flex his American right to capitalism?
Imagine if whites protested when the rapper, JAY-Z purchased the New Jersey Nets because they were against his music being degrading to women and for glorifying inner-city violence with his music?
Rev. Jackson and Sharpton would have been right there, screaming racism, for not letting a minority own a basketball team. As Limbaugh points out in his Wall Street Journal neither one of these “Reverends” are squeaky clean either:
In 1998 Mr. Sharpton was found guilty of defamation and ordered to pay $65,000 for falsely accusing a New York prosecutor of rape in the 1987 Tawana Brawley case. He also played a leading role in the 1991 Crown Heights riot (he called neighborhood Jews "diamond merchants") and 1995 Freddie's Fashion Mart riot. Not to be outdone, Jesse Jackson, whose history includes anti-Semitic speech (in 1984 he referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in a Washington Post interview)”
It’s awful to use racism as a tool like these characters constantly do, but it’s even worse that they use the very same racism themselves, which they won’t tolerate from others. These examples, plus Jesse Jackson fathering an illegitimate child with an aide, while married and staying at the White House counseling President Clinton on his affair with Monica Lewinsky, is a pretty low moral standard for anybody, especially one wanting to call himself a “reverend”. We also all saw them fly down to Duke to castigate the lacrosse players there whom they have refused to apologize to as well. These guys are divisive!!
And when the NFL and especially, NFL President Roger Goodell commented on Rush Limbaugh as being “divisive” it is utterly absurd and beneath what the NFL should be focused on. They have allowed murderers, dog killers, and thugs into the league at a far higher rate than any other sport and having a “conservative” in the owner’s box wouldn’t be anything new.  It’s just that this conservative had been branded by the scarlet letter- (or in this case) word- racist. A label that once applied is impossible to shake. Just ask Don Imus.

Iran- but not FOX News?

The Obama Administration made a bizarre move over the weekend by sending out their top two lieutenants- David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel to try and neutralize FOX News Station.
Obama and his staff have refused to appear on FOX News to give interviews and have talked to Iran quicker than they have FOX news. It was the White House’s latest move in trying to marginalize the conservative slanting news station, who hasn’t received favorable coverage from FOX in the past. Both Mr. Emanuel and Mr. Axelrod followed in the same footsteps of WH News Director, Anita Dunn, whom just last week stated,
The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party. And it is not ideological... what I think is fair to say about Fox, and the way we view it, is that it is more of a wing of the Republican Party. Obviously [the President] will go on Fox because he engages with ideological opponents. He has done that before and he will do it again... when he goes on Fox he understands he is not going on it as a news network at this point. He is going on it to debate the opposition. [Fox is] widely viewed as a part of the Republican Party: take their talking points and put them on the air, take their opposition research and put it on the air. And that's fine. But let's not pretend they're a news organization like CNN is."
Both Axelrod and Emanuel basically echoed those same sentiments in agreeing FOX news wasn’t really a news station, but one with “perspective”. (Like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, don’t have their own “perspective”?)
These comments coming from such high ranking official’s in the WH indicates how thin- skinned and petty this president and his cronies may be during President Obama’s first term in the WH. The president needs to punch-up not down, he holds an office that signifies the man representing the most powerful nation in the world, which makes him the most powerful man in the world. His fights need to be focused on North Korea, Iran, or Afghanistan, not an American news outlet, especially one that is currently up 20% from this time last year and whose primetime lineup in ranked #1 in every demographic. Voters think this is petty and silly and frankly that the president should be worried about other issues.
            This is also troubling because of the overwhelming support and lack of vetting Obama received from the media during his campaign. The notion that one channel, FOX News, dares to question an elected official, about his past connections- or for not blindly supporting his agenda is ludicrous.
The point of journalists is to dig up dirt in order to get the “scoop” on a good story-Whether it be having an illicit affair with an intern or receiving bribes from lobbyists to pass influential laws- journalists have time and time again, constantly been looking for the next big political mishap. They also are responsible for informing the viewer with information that may be detrimental to their own future, such as passing a $787 stimulus when we currently have a record $1.4 trillion deficit.
President Obama also still carries a grudge against FOX for exposing the Rev. Wright controversy, his past Bill Ayers connections, the ACORN scandal, and many other “news” worthy stories that other major news outlets have been slow picking up on. These stories being constantly looped on FOX news, along with FOX news commentators questioning the
“Obama Agenda” has caused Obama and the WH to stop appearing on FOX as well as, beginning this war with FOX News, it all seems so high school doesn’t it?
            Its time that the Administration begins to move on from this petty war of words with other Americans and begin to focus on our real wars on two fronts- plus all the other pressing issues that our country is currently facing.
The president promised to move us past “the petty issues that divided us in the past”- right now he seems to be creating them. 

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Noble Shame

Their have been a few times in everyone’s lives where they have certain memories that stick out where you will never forget and always remember where you were when they happened.  Some are lives minor details that are only shared with friends or family like when I was sitting in the press box with my father and older brother watching my little brother hit a dead center, two run dinger that advanced his All- Star team to the state finals.
Others are major like when 9/11 occurred or sitting in my fraternity house watching the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina as it destroyed New Orleans. As people store these events differently in their heads to look back on fondly or solemnly, I can add one more to my list as today, while getting ready for work and eating breakfast, I literally had to pick my jaw up off the floor as I saw that President Obama will become only our nations 3rd sitting president to receive The Nobel Peace Prize, the others were Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson- both second term presidents whom won the prize --Woodrow Wilson in 1919 for founding the League of Nations, Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese War .
Alternating between wiping the coffee off my computer screen and reading the articles posted on “The Drudge Report” about this fiasco, it was clear this memory is one where I will never forget where I was when seeing it.
According to Alfred Nobel the Peace Prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
            The deadline to be considered for the Nobel is February 1st of every year. This means Obama had received the award based on hmmm…campaigning?
He hadn’t even been in office more than three weeks so he had yet to give his “famous” Middle East peace speech in Cairo, or had yet to post his “You Tube” message to Iran, where he boldly declared, “If you unclench your fist, we will extend our hand.” which has only emboldened Iran to INCREASE their Nuclear Arms program, as they continue to enlarge the number of centrifuges needed to amass a nuclear weapon. It was before the G-20 Summit where our nation’s biggest ally, Great Britain and their leader, Gordon Brown, tried unsuccessfully to meet with Obama an astounding 5 times! I mean they are the people whom we rely on the most for help and this is a guy who received a box of DVD’s during his first meeting with the President was then denied in a second attempt. It wasn’t like he was looking for a nice gift.
             He has done nothing for peace in the Middle East, nothing for The Sudan or Darfur, he has doing nothing for our nation’s homosexuals (which he promised to make a number 1 priority) and he can’t even control the violence or provide “peace” to his city, Chicago- who just had a 15 year old honor student smacked with a wooden beam then stomped to death-Not to mention the fact that he also has increased (wisely so) the number of troops in Afghanistan by 60,000- still 40,000 short of what our forces really need.
They only time I can think of that he ended something peacefully was when he allowed S.E.A.L snipers to blow-off three Somali pirates heads as they held an American cargo crew captain hostage. That’s peace baby! 
This is just another feather in the hat of a President who has done nothing as a community activist, state politician, Senator, or President.
Good thing that people whom haven’t received the award include Pope John Paul II, Cesar Chavez, Mahatma Gandhi, and the amazing and wonderful Pope John XXIII (so I’m Bias with the Popes, I’m Roman Catholic) their reputations would now be sullied if they were lumped in the Nobel Peace Prize category, which now includes Obama.
One good thing is that he now gets to join a group that his old friends would be jealous of, including, Yasser Arafat and Liberal icons Al Gore and Jimmy Carter.  
In researching this post I found an interesting and funny quote that basically sums up Obama’s achievements and… he said it about himself in a 2006 Washington Post article while giving a speech to “The Gridiron Club”:

“I’ve been very blessed,” he said. “Keynote speaker at the Democratic Convention. The cover of Newsweek. My book made the best-seller list. I just won a Grammy for reading it on tape. And I've had the chance to speak not once but twice before the Gridiron Club. Really what else is there to do? Well, I guess, I could pass a law, or something.”

Yeah I guess maybe you should……… or at least SOMETHING!!!