Monday, April 19, 2010

Melting Steele

At a time when the GOP should be out embracing disgruntled independents, raising campaign funds for the EXTREMELY important mid-term elections, and plotting strategies to take back the House and Senate in 2010- instead  are dealing with a Republican National Committee President who is determined to lead the GOP off a cliff- or at least hope they follow him- as he goes charging right over the edge.
            RNC Chairman Steele’s behavior has been a never-ending roller coaster ride since he was elected. Besides making multiple embarrassing statements (some which included elements of race) and catching flack for redecorating his RNC office to the tune of $17,000, or billing the RNC for private flights and expensive care services, as he focused more on promoting his new book than raising funds for the party, which is what Mr. Steele has refused to address.           However, after releasing the latest fundraising numbers in February, the RNC has spent $115 million and only raised $109 million- spending more than we raise is a liberal move.
            Now, as the GOP should be in “serious mode “ preparing for its candidates final stretch before elections season begins- Chairman Steele is again bringing negative press to the RNC as it deals with a $1,200 reimbursement given to a donor who attended a LA sex-bondage themed club. As the MSM (predictably) runs-wild with any story that goes against the GOP’s “Family Values” grain, Steele decided to throw gasoline on the fire by responding to an interview in which he said “that he has a slimmer margin for error" because he is an African-American running the RNC. Just the type of inflammatory statement our party needs right now.
             That was enough for his Chief-of-Staff and the RNC’s outside consulting group to both resign Monday, fleeing in embarrassment at a time when the GOP should be solid, not fractured.
            Insiders recognize what an embarrassment he has been to the party, yet they have little chance of ousting him from within; because of this big-time GOP donors are fore-going donating directly to the RNC and instead giving their money to smaller, more centralized, and more focused fundraising groups comprised of state and local Republican Committees, to protest our leader’s irresponsible behavior.
            Either way, the GOP is facing important mid-term election which they need to win, with or without the self-aggrandizing leadership of someone who’s made of more silly putty than Steele.

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