Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Bertha :NUTS Run ACORN

 Embattled ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis just doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut.
When damning tapes surfaced showing ACORN officials in 5 cities giving advice to a fake pimp about how to obtain Federal funding to set-up brothels, the Federal Government was finally embarrassed enough to yank their Federal funds to ACORN. They immediately voted to suspend all future funding and suddenly the prominent inner- city organization that our new president worked with- became an overnight disgrace.
Bertha Lewis and ACORN went into super-spin mode. Ms. Lewis appeared on all the network news shows by making outlandish statements defending her employees and ACORN by saying that everything was taken out of context and this was all a big misunderstanding, but the damage was already done and with ACORN facing Federal probes for voter fraud in many states, most Democrats were quick to distance themselves from the organization which a few months earlier was the gold-standard for Federally funded inner-city non-profits.
            Now, Ms. Lewis just cannot help but to insert foot into mouth as she brings more unwanted attention onto an eerie organization which provided the springboard to President Obama’s Presidential Campaign.   
In a recent speech to the Young Democratic Socialists, the youth branch of the Democratic Socialists and the U.S. branch of the Socialist International, Bertha made some amazing comments concerning the Tea Party Movement, the direction our nations heading in, and her love of socialism.
"Any group that says, 'I'm young, I'm Democratic, and I'm a socialist,' is all right with me. You know that's no light thing to do -- to actually say, I'm a socialist -- because you guys know right now we are living in a time which is going to dwarf the McCarthy era. It is going to dwarf the internment during World War II. We are right now in a time that is going to dwarf the era of Jim Crow and segregation," Lewis said.

Whoa! This is the best you can find to lead your company? She thinks that the time we live in now, a time when we have elected a biracial President and a Latino Women for the Supreme Court- all in the past 18 months- and in a time when everyone has equal recognized rights under FEDERAL LAW- will be worse than Jim Crow and the Segregation era?
Wow! She obviously has a lot of confidence in President Obama running the country!

Amazingly, she continued with these comments concerning the Tea Party Protestors:

"This is not rhetoric or hyperbole -- this is real," Lewis said. "This rise of this Tea Party so-called movement -- bowel movement in my estimation -- and this blatant uncovering and ripping off the mask of racism."

So after telling the crowd that our nation is heading into a period worse than the Jim Crow Era, she blasts Tea Partiers by calling them “bowel movements” and accusing them of racism, which is a baseless accusation while conforming perfectly to the whole ACORN “victim” mentality thing they got going on.
The most incredible aspect of her whole speech was that during it she admitted that ACORN is “on life-support” because of the recent ruling to uphold their suspension of Federal funding.  Bertha and ACORN needs to get a clue. How do you expect your organization to elicit sympathy to possibly regain funds or receive donations when your CEO – of all people- is suffering from verbal diarrhea? Especially in a time when the GOP has most Democratic Reps on the ropes coming into the 2010 election season?  No one will put their job on the line to support this nut. 
 The scariest element to her comments was regarding socialism and the facts that she thinks it takes courage to stand-up and proclaim that you’re a socialist. This is because the CEO of ACORN is proudly declaring her love of Socialism, which would lead one to assume, that she works with other people who have equivalent views with her own.
This leads us back to our new President who has worked at ACORN and during his short stint as President has already taken over our nation’s: Health Care, Banking, Student-Loan Program,  Car Company (GM) , and the Housing- Mortgage Industry.
            Some people have even accused him of being a “Socialist” by doing this? I wonder how they came to that conclusion?

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