Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Liberals hate the Law

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer was sick and tired of waiting for the Obama Administration to finally provide her the much needed help to deal with the avalanche of crime stemming from the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing over the border from Mexico into her state. So as Arizona saw crime continue to rise and drugs continuing to pour across the border into her state, last week she signed into law a requirement that police can now ask the status of one’s citizenship.
 Since then the Liberal mouthpiece has been wailing words such as- Gestapo! Hitler! Racist!
Rev. Al Sharpton vows to plan a march!  
Obama said it was “misguided and over-reaching” “unfair”
San Francisco politicians have called to boycott the state!  
In other words- SUCCESS! - An Amazing SUCCESS!
It’s the only way, as a conservative, you can sum up the liberal response to such a competent bill. I mean...Hmmm…. your telling me the Gov. of AZ said she will enforce a law, WHICH is already a LAW!  Gosh, Liberals are geniuses!
 Mr. President should ask that drug dealer who just committed a Federal Crime if he too thinks that its “unfair” that he was arrested while breaking the law as well. When someone is in the country illegally they have committed a crime, this makes them a criminal. There is no other first- world country in the world that allows someone of another country’s citizenship to just come waltzing in and welcomes them with open arms.
Like America, there is a process which one needs to go through to establish citizenship in that particular country. Why is everyone up in arms about this law just enacted in Arizona?
            Why do we even go to the lengths to establish this process to allow people to become citizens if the Federal government will just decided to turn the other way when our FEDERAL LAW is being broken?
            There are two ways to approach this uproar in AZ.
The first is to just decide once and for all to have no borders and no immigration policy. Anyone and Everyone can come to America and work, live, commit crimes, and get on welfare, etc… all without having to pay personal, city, state and federal taxes. They can come over and milk us for everything as we decided to be the “all welcoming world state” Obama wants us to be.
Or we can follow and enforce the laws we have established long ago, which our grandparents and great-grandparents had to endure and make everyone who would like to become a citizen get in the back of the line and wait, like everyone else!  Then after you put in your time and show that you are ready to follow America’s laws and learn America’s language and support America’s tax infrastructure than we would be more than happy to present you with a citizenship card.
In fact, the slimy libs are all up in arms about the law because it requires people to show proof of their citizenship if asked, well once you obtain a green card, it is already (another) Federal Law that you must provide evidence of citizenship, should you be asked. This is for our own already legal citizens. So that negates the other liberal talking point about how it’s unfair for an American citizen to need to provide evidence of already being a citizen.
70% of Arizonians are FOR this bill, before all the high-minded, snooty NY liberals begins giving their 2 cents maybe they should go to AZ and check out the results of having years of unchecked illegal’s taking over their state.  
The deserts are trashed with litter from migrant’s crossing over and using the states landscape as their own personal garbage dump. The homicide rate is through-the –roof with cartel killings and drug-related slayings and innocent ranchers are now being slain while simply working their land because they live along a popular smuggling route.
Phoenix, Arizona is presently #2 (after Mexico City) in the WORLD for highest number of kidnappings yearly. And according to Forbes.com-  

Though nationwide crime was down 3.5% year over year in the first six months of 2008, the cities atop our list illustrate a disturbing trend: All 10 of the most dangerous cities were among those identified by the Department of Justice as transit points for Mexican drug cartels.
As Forbes discovered - Every city which a Mexican Drug Cartel uses as a transit point to deliver their drugs and weapons further down the distribution line, just happens to be one of the top ten most dangerous city’s in America. Can this be a coincidence? Or is it racist to suggest that the illegal aliens who scamper over the Mexican border into Arizona become drug mules for their cartels which bring violence to states not even remotely located near the border.
Unfortunately, the only way the Liberals won’t wail is when the violence begins affecting them. When a rich donor in Manhattan is robbed and killed by an illegal immigrant is when the drums will start to beat declaring what a travesty America has become and how peaceful places have now turned into the wild, wild, west.
And as the liberals whine and mope about, brainstorming “Self –Help” seminars for drug mules and cartel shot-callers, us independent citizens will not fear- because we aren’t slimy liberals waiting around for the tofu to appear, we are firm believers in the 2nd amendment…something Obama hasn’t taken away yet!

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