Monday, April 19, 2010


The White House spin cycle has been working overtime, with all their heavy hitters, on all the major channels still trying to pressure people into thinking that Health Care Reform (HCR) is the most pressing (and only) issue that American’s are currently worried about?  We are witnessing this administration slowly lose America.
            After the epic drumming Obama and the Democrats have taken in the recent polls, while having a supermajority in both the House and Senate, you would need to think they would at least try to refocus their agenda to creating jobs.
            Instead, much to the dismay of the suffering middle-class they continue to ram this HCR agenda down our throats. This is neither what the public is asking for right now, nor what the public needs right now.
            We need JOBS!  How can a “supposed” unmatched intellectual such as are current president be so blind to this fact?
             The $787 BILLION dollar stimulus which the President pushed through sloppily last February was done so on the premise and promise of putting American’s back to work by creating shovel ready projects, building roads, and bridges, and stopping the sky-rocketing unemployment our country is facing.
            Instead, unemployment figures continue to grow, as fewer jobs are being created and even more are being lost, month after month. A stagnant 10.6% unemployment remains.
             Meanwhile, the president continues to downplay his poll numbers as they continue their downward spiral, yet all politicians focus on their approval numbers and one as egotistical as Obama is surely scrutinizing them daily.
            He has focused on Nukes, Green Energy Initiatives, Healthcare, and Cap and Trade, yet refuses to focus on job- creation. The only answer as to why he hasn’t shifted focus is because he doesn’t know how to solve the problem or what the country needs to escape this current unemployment rut.
            Exactly the problem which occurs when electing a person for president who has never been in the job creation business or even worked in the private sector!
            President Obama continues to let our country down. While more and more people realize how awful and expensive his landmark HCR is, more and more people begin to hate it and the government intrusion, taxes, and job LOSS, it will bring to normal Americans daily lives. This will be a huge problem for the Dems in 2010 and an even bigger problem for Obama in 2012.
            Also as facts begin to emerge about Obama’s dealings with Wall Street and the donations he received from them, it will make matters for him worse.
            People have a general mistrust of Politicians to begin with, but when one comes in promising the lofty “Change” which Obama did, they will take their general anger out at the polls and will not forget all his broken promises easily or quickly.
            Obama passed the stimulus package by boldly declaring that it will create over 2.5 million “shovel ready” jobs which will immediately put Americans back to work.
            Now, everyone has their shovels, but are still waiting for their jobs…

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