Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This Bill and Obama Stink!

The Heath Care Reform Bill which President Obama signed into law today leaves many questions unanswered about how the future will shape this bill and especially the effects it will have on the country in the next four years………
•The President, House, and Senators are all EXEMPTTHIS SHOULD TELL YOU HOW BAD THIS BS BILL IS. Why would they exempt themselves from something they think we need?
•We have no money to pay for this bill, the real “cost” issues are not addressed, and there is no “civilized” nation as populated as ours (with 300 million people) that has “socialized healthcare”
•Every American for the 1st time in our nation’s history must PAY, to be an American Citizen or face fine/ and or jail time.
Taxes begin immediately while benefits begin……… FOUR years from now!
•The Senators and Reps. who voted for the passage of this bill were bribed and bought like common criminals; embarrassing the American Legislative process and showing how awful this plan is, or else their wouldn’t need to be such a massive display of corruption in America’s most sacred political landmark.
•President Obama is a huge, naïve, and egotistical fool, this ensures him as a one term president. When you sign a bill that brings the pain early and backloads the effects then be prepared to deal with the next 2.5 years of angry citizens being laid-off because of his miss-guided bill.
•What happened to Obama’s dog “BO” ? He was all the MSM could focus on for a few short days, suddenly he’s not anywhere in sight…. It may be a coincidence he disappeared right before Obama’s first official State Dinner…. With INDIA!!!

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