Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obama willing to use the "Nuke" on Health Care

President Obama just announced that he is ready to use the controversial practice of “Reconciliation” to pass Health Care if he cannot get an up and down vote on the legislation soon.
            Reconciliation is known on Capitol Hill as “The Nuclear Option” because it skirts the Senate rules of a majority vote and instead passes a bill with a mere 51 of 100 votes. Much less than the 61 which the democrats would need to pass Health Care reform using normal procedures.
            After Republican Scott Brown’s stunning victory over Martha Coakley in Massachusetts for Ted Kennedy’s vacant Senate seat, most political pundits and politicians (especially Democrats) conceded that the process of passing major H.C reform was all but dead.  
            Now, Obama is going to announce passing it through reconciliation. This stunning announcement comes after President Obama recently held a “Health Care Summit” which included members of both parties and proved to be nothing more than a dog-and-pony show, as many predicted it would be.
            The summit accomplished nothing and  neither party was budging on how to formulate a low-cost, high-coverage plan, which in itself seems implausible. The President is simply not in tune with Middle-America’s concern’s over the tremendous deficit Health Care will add to our already out-of- control debt.
            The problem lies with the MSM taking their talking points from the WH and smearing       The Republican Party by saying that they are the party of “NO”. However, they and the President miss the point. We all understand that HC needs to be fixed and that costs are indeed spiraling out-of-control, except they refuse to allow Republican ideas be included in “their” bill.         Republicans want a cap on Medical Malpractice Lawsuits, which will immediately eliminate many of the unnecessary procedures which doctors use simply to cover their back over future lawsuits.  They also want to see a crackdown on Medicare and Medicaid fraud which runs rampant and pushes costs up for everyone else paying taxes into the system and Republicans are against state-provided abortions.
            There are a few other points as well, but these seem to be the major ones on which neither party will budge. The three buyoffs of Senators continued to enrage an already angry general public and hurt the process as well.
            As President Obama starts feeling the pressure to simply pass a “bill”, he has forced himself into a corner, one that will define his presidency over the next three years. He knows that he campaigned on HC reform and will look weak and lost if he cannot get a bill passed, however, if the bill doesn’t appeal to the ultra-liberal left they may abandon him come 2012. Already, the           Obama had the chance to pass HC with the advantage of having control over both the House and Senate early in his presidency- and he blew it, then came the unexpected win of Brown, winning a seat that hasn’t been held by a Republican since 1972, which forces Obama to use Reconciliation simply to save face.
            Americans are not dumb, but angry and as the Tea Party Protest’s have shown, and sick of being taxed and taxed and taxed. We know this is just yet another tax increase which will kill Middle- America. As Obama finished his HC Summit he stated that “This is what elections are for, If Americans like this bill he shall see in November” with the Democratic party already running scared, the term “Nuclear Option” couldn’t be more fitting- because if it passes, then it will obliterate the Democratic Party.

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