Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Makes Liberal's Lose...

It’s now final. Virginia and New Jersey, believe it or not, have both elected Republican Governors in an election which was supposed to validate Obama’s domination over the entire universe. Instead, it shows that the tide is turning against Liberal, big- government power. In 8 long months Obama has turned 2 blues states which he won convincingly into states that are now red.
Even as the New Jersey victory was stunning close with Christie winning with only a 5% point difference, it was 5% points more than the arrogant liberal, Ex-Gov. Corzine received. This may prove to be a major set-back to the Democratic Party as it begins to focus on many of its up-coming 2010 races, where once popular “liberal” democrats are trailing in the polls against anyone willing to sign up against them.
            The problem with the Democratic Party is that it is currently being controlled and ran by the most Liberal or “socially progressive”, elected officials our nation has ever seen. And the difficulty with this is that these arrogant, elitist liberals are the people holding the highest positions of power in Congress, The Senate, and The Presidency. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama have uncontested ultra-liberal records and while Obama campaigned from the center, his extreme drift to the left, while occupying the White House has left his more conservative Blue-Dog Democratic counterparts, exposed at his rear.
            Liberals and Democrats are two entirely different species of political monsters and The Pelosi-Reid-White House establishment can’t seem to grasp that they have the upper-hand in the legislative process and have overwhelming support in the Congress and Senate to pass any bill they want with a President who will not veto it.
            Except, the Liberals cannot stop turning up their noses at the Democratic Blue-Dogs in their own Party- Blue- Dog Democrats are mostly southern and mid-western people who are good, hard working folks that are fiscally conservative and have strong religious beliefs. They are not as progressive socially as liberals pertaining to same-sex marriage, abortion, and gun-control and are mostly democratic through their prior union affiliations.
            Liberals, however, are mostly big city, well-educated, wealthy, elitists who are for worldwide diplomacy instead of wars, strict gun- control laws, single-payer universal health care, stem-cell research, same-sex marriage, and of course, “cultural diversity”.
These types can be spotted or smelled a mile away, usually with a $4 low- fat, Starbucks venti vanilla mocha, wearing Birkenstocks and a Che Guevara t-shirt, gingerly hopping into their Toyota Prius, usually adorned with at least two (but often more) bumper-stickers, which mostly declare their hatred for G.W Bush, love for being a vegan, and of course the COEXIST sticker, spelled-out   in all different religious symbols including Wiccan. I would advise you to stay at least 15 feet away from these types.
This type of Democrat- the dreaded Liberal- is intent on ruining their own power base and alienating the Blue-Dog Democrats because of their colossal superiority and unwillingness to work with their the Blue-Dog counterparts to get everyone on  board of their agendas.

When you have a super-majority in the House and the Senate, you should be able to own any bill in DC- however; it hasn’t started well for Obama and his clowns on the Hill. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama are the epitome of elite liberal’s intent on ruining our economy by creating unnecessary and job killing Climate- Change bills, and trying to spend and tax our way out of a recession. So far it’s been a miserable failure. Unemployment continues to rise as consumer spending continues to decline.
 You Liberals now have the President and both the House and Senate, yet still cannot stop complaining about everything and anything. You have unmitigated power and still cry over Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and FOX News.

You had eight years of protesting the war in Iraq, Bush, Halliburton, and Cheney, now you don’t have anyone to blame but yourselves. You’re lost. You can mock tea parties and call them “tea baggers”, call us Republicans racist, or as Nancy Pelosi said “Un-American”, but when it’s all said and done, you need to now carry the water for the nation, and for your party, and it scares you to death.
What makes it so hard for Liberals to simply govern? Put your nose to the grindstone and start pushing through agendas that work, not simply big government initiatives like “Cash for Clunkers” that start with a bang then end in an economic fizzle, showing another reason why most American’s don’t trust the government to run their health care program.

 They called President Bush a “Loser” and the MSM chuckled right along with them. They proclaimed the war “Lost” and voted against the” Surge”- announcing it a failure before it even began (it stabilized Iraq and was the turning point in the war-allowing Obama to begin withdraws early) and take the time to disrespect our military and soldiers at every chance they get. Rep. John Murtha went as far as accusing our U.S Marines of rape and murder at Haditha- where they all were found innocent under a War Crimes Tribunal. The soldiers are still waiting for an apology.

They whine and cry when they “discover” that Bush water-boarded THREE high level detainees, yet remain silent and quiet (for once) when one of our American soldiers is kidnapped and beheaded after being ruthlessly tortured. They must have forgotten all the innocent citizens who were forced to either jump to their death or get burned alive after two planes struck the Twin Towers on 9/11.
 Pelosi then took office, vowing to impeach Bush and even voted against extra government funds going to Iraq. Then, she shrieked to the press about the terrible conditions at Walter Reed Medical Clinic (government run btw) while whining about U.S Soldiers not having enough body armor.
But it gets worse. They have Barbara Boxer, Waxman, Dodd, and Rangel, All coming from states with the highest current unemployment rates and coincidentally the highest national tax rates. As jobs (and people) flee NV, NY, MI and CA, these inept Senators and Congressmen have done nothing to help their starving states try to survive, besides alienating the company’s and factory’s which actually create jobs.
You would think they would notice why California has the most number of small businesses leaving daily, heading for Arizona and their lower business tax and employee income rates.Or why Florida and Texas have more than 1,000 new residents per day in their states. Could it be they have no state personal property taxes? Tax incentives draw tax payers to states, which then produce extra income to spend in the state.
 New York and California, the highest national populations are still are in deep debt because they simply spend more than they make. Tax and Spend Liberals….They then just expect their constituents to fall in line, and go along with this program- as another Liberal- VP Joe Biden, proclaims,

“It your time to be patriotic, time to pay up”
This coming from a man who makes six figures annually, yet didn’t even donate over $3 grand to charities last year, no seriously! But what makes these miserable politicians so awful is the fact that they continue to argue and vote against things that have proven to work.

 They lament and disparage “Trickledown Economics” but cannot account for the unprecedented growth under Reagan by using this formula. They cannot give one example of a society becoming successful from their way of “Bottom to top Economics”- which sounds as stupid as it really is!
First and foremost- The Government has NO money- None. The only money they receive is confiscated from you through taxes. Therefore, Liberals think by raising taxes on the contributors they can redistribute it to the non-contributors, yet they do not take into account the fact that eventually, as the tax rate rises, the contributor can simply stop producing, therefore becoming a non-contributor, which in turn produces less available money for the country. However, as they target “ rich” company owners through “fairness”, they forget that poor people are not the ones running the companies and eventually the company will pick up and move.

This is because the poor do not hire people, they do not employ people and they do not run corporations that create goods that can be bought or sold or bartered on the open market. They also don’t rely on factories to produce these goods or parts of these goods, which make products work. The poor don’t need to rely on truckers, and freight trains and the many ways of transporting these goods to the market, where once it arrives, workers then unpack, price, and stock these items for consumers to purchase.
But these people do rely on the owners of all these different companies for jobs. And when they get these jobs and begin working, they can start saving a little money and buy a new truck (or whatever)- made by their fellow workers- thus, stimulating the economy just a little bit.Then these workers realize that as they begin to master their jobs, they become real valuable to the factory owners and receive promotions, earning more to save or spend, thus further stimulating the economy.
            Or they may take it one extra step and realize they can run a company more efficiently than their boss and start a rival company to compete against their old one.Or they will preach the importance of education to their children, so their children can do better for themselves and not need to work as hard- Much like the baby-boomers did with their children.
Yet, these slimy liberals don’t understand business so they decide that the big, rich, owner of the company, who invested his capital or life-savings- to take a chance- is suddenly making too much money and hurting the workers. So then, much like the mafia, they begin extorting them to death with taxes, regulations and absurd fees, which ends up creating the domino effect of store-worker, trucker, and factory worker- all on up- losing their jobs.

That’s Bottom up economics.
Then the poor’s misery becomes the Liberal’s bliss- because now you MUST turn to the government for unemployment benefits or welfare aid; and-
“A dependent vote is a dependable vote.”
 But through all this regulating and taxing- the Liberals still don’t hurt the intended target- which is the big, rich, unfair, owner. They hurt the middle class worker who just saw his job go to Peru. They also seem to think that taxing the rich will somehow help the poor. (See above)
So as these rich, liberals continue to tax the wealthy the wealthy can and will simply stop producing their goods or services and/ or move their factory overseas. (See Michigan as example)
Since when has creating wealth and jobs been a bad thing in America…. Since the Liberals took over…

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