Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Curious Case of Kenneth Gladney

During the midst of the August congressional recess, concerned citizens from both political parties had begun engaging each other over increasingly uncivil protest about our nations plan for Universal Health Care. Most of these protests were unorganized, yet polite, as worried taxpayers confronted their representatives about the massive spending occurring on Capitol Hill and the ridiculous cost of their proposed Health Plan. Many of these citizens questioned how their representatives could be voting for a bill that they had admittedly never even read.
            Across America the voices from these concerned taxpayers echoed louder and louder as their Congressional reps continued to condescend them and even cancel their own town hall events, blaming the hostile crowds from preventing them from engaging in “civil discussions”. (Like we all of a sudden live in Britain and drink tea with are pinky’s pointed out)
Then on August.6, The White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina was quoted as saying,
If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,”    
 He was right. This comment came, after cable news shows had been airing “Town Halls” across the country showing Democratic Senators and Congressmen participating in disastrous meetings, where they were not able to answer simple questions from their constituents concerning the bill. Mr. Messina also encouraged Senators to get updated briefings on the bill so they would be able to answer questions properly.
Also, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney sent a detailed memo to his members advising them on how to handle the “Town Hall” Protestors- [in it he describes]:
"The principal battleground in the campaign will be town hall meetings and other gatherings with members of Congress in their home districts," reads the memo. "We want your help to organize major union participation to counter the right-wing "Tea-Party Patriots" who will try to disrupt those meetings, as they've been trying to do to meetings for the last month. ...

(Remember the hooligans - many of them Republican Congressional staff - who harassed Florida vote counters in 2000? We can't let that happen again!)."

 So, the AFL-CIO planned to target 50 "high priority districts," in addition to organizing telephone town hall gatherings, to counteract these “protestors” (tax-paying citizens).  Both the SEIU memo and the White House comments were released the same day that Patriot Kenneth Gladney was brutally beaten at a Town Hall rally by SEIU Thugs in St. Louis, for Rep. Russ Carnahan, a Missouri Democrat. 

Many attendees at this event, were wearing purple t-shirts with “Organizing for America” emblazoned across the front in white letters and with SEIU written in the same white letters across the back. These thugs were clearly there for disrupting the event and for intimidating and screaming at the regular folks who had showed up to question Mr. Carnahan’s policies.
            Meanwhile a 38 year old, African- American, named Kenneth Gladney was simply standing outside in the parking lot handing out American Flags and “Don’t Tread on Me” Flags to fellow patriotic Americans. Suddenly, a large black man, wearing a purple SEIU shirt approached Mr. Gladney, knocking the flags from his hand, while calling him, “A son of an N*****” before punching him in the side of the face.

After being punched and knocked to the ground, Mr. Gladney got up and tried to run across the parking lot- as more purple- shirted SEIU thugs chased him and caught up with him, jerking him back into the pavement, then stomping and beating him brutally.
Mr. Gladney suffered serious injuries which occurred during the assault.  He is looking to prosecute both of the SEIU thugs who were arrested at the scene. However, they have claimed that Mr. Gladney started the fight; luckily, witnesses have come forward to corroborate Mr. Gladney’s claim.
However, it has been months since this beating occurred and still no charges have been formally filed against the two union mobsters who assaulted him- he also wants to charge them both with hate crimes. The SEIU has hired high-powered attorneys to defend their criminals; however the SEIU did deny both gangsters’ claims of workers compensation for the injuries they suffered during their beat -down of a peaceful citizen.
This was the second act of violence against the Health Care protestors. William Rice, a 65 year old from California had his finger partially bitten off by a protestor from during the same type of Town Hall meeting. Neither incident has gotten MSM press.
Since Mr. Gladney’s assault I have not seen and/ or heard from the notorious “civil rights” activists Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson, who I believe would be marching in protest demanding quick and severe punishment for such a hateful, racially motivated attack on a citizen, if he was a democrat things would be different. In fact, the media has barley even covered this event, with the only network still providing ongoing updates being Fox News.
It just shows the hypocrisy of the media in their coverage of these Town Hall events.
As the MSM calls republican protestors “teabaggers”, racists, rednecks, and hooligans- they seem to be the ones allowing this type of behavior to perpetuate. By not holding the SEIU and their thugs accountable and ignoring this crime in the media, it just furthers their amazing bias and shows the lack of professionalism they have. Hopefully, these criminals will be punished accordingly so these assaults don’t happen again- because next time someone just may die.

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