Friday, November 13, 2009

Their Savior and Ours

Liberal loons continue to show their massive hypocrisy against any issue which they do not fully endorse. I call it hypocrisy because- remember- they are the accepting, tolerant, giving, and “compassionate” party who aren’t like “us”- who are bigots, racists, and sexists; not to mention war-mongering corporate shills. But with all the issues they degrade and try to marginalize us for- religion seems to be the one that personally bothers me the most.
 Their utter disrespect and scorn towards organized religion (mainly Christianity) in this country is disgusting. Do they not remember that the principle reason our country was created and was founded by The Pilgrims- who fled the East Midlands of England -to escape the religious persecution they were facing.
The story of these brave adventurers who put their faith in God to guide them safely to the new world in hopes of simply being able to practice their faith freely is a central message of how our country was created as a “free” nation and forms the core of this amazing country. It is so important to our nation that Freedom of Religion was included in the First Amendment in The Bill of Rights-
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It set the golden standard for the citizens of the world to take a chance and leave their motherland in order to allow themselves to express their beliefs without being persecuted or out casted by fellow countrymen who disagreed with their different faiths.
Now, America is losing the battle for religious freedoms as liberal atheists take every chance they get to disparage Americans who practice and believe in their own Savior. Except, the main target of these slimy liberals seems to be some of the most understanding, giving, and hardworking people in the country- American Christians and Catholics.
You never hear any one utter anything on the news about Islam or Judaism. In fact, many members of the media and press go out of their way as to not offend these religions. In Europe, a magazine printed a comic of Muhammad and the extremists rioted and killed simply over these images. It was a clear warning throughout the world to not mess with their Allah- and it worked.
Catholics especially are forever a target of the left, mostly because of their views on abortion and gay marriage (Christians also hold the same views) yet, our unwillingness to fight back against the rude and derogatory methods employed by these religion hating nuts further encourages them to continue to attack and mock our central belief in God.
As pompous and conceited as these people are, they have yet to realize the thousands of great deeds provided daily, through the generosity of Christians in America. Catholic and Christian churches provide food banks, run shelters and soup kitchens, provide counseling for prisoners, donate millions yearly to all types of worldwide charity’s and causes, and do countless other projects that help benefit and build communities.
This is one of the main reasons Republicans donate more money yearly to charity’s than liberals, because as liberals count on government intervention by taking (um I mean taxing) the rich, Christians- no matter how rich or poor- feel obligated to donate whatever they can to help the less fortunate. Most donate money, but many others donate time, building supplies, food, Christmas gifts and anything else that their church asks from them.
The hatred for the American Christian couldn’t have been more evident than when late-term abortion provider George Tiller was killed over the summer. All the media and liberal establishment could focus on was the “crazy religious right’ that is terrorizing our nation. Since Roe v. Wade passed over thirty-six years ago in 1973, a grand total of eight abortion doctors and workers have been murdered in the United States and Canada. Tiller's murder was the first of an American abortion doctor in the 21st century. Yet, this didn’t stop the media from portraying every Christian as a “crazy religious fundamentalist. However, after the recent Ft. Hood shootings they were silent and cautious in concluding that Maj. Hasan may have been a Muslim extremist. Again, because they know that we are a passive target that will not mobilize and riot, as other religions tend to do.
Recently the Washington, DC Archbishop said that if the District passes their Gay Marriage Law then they will stop taking the millions of dollars it receives from the City to use for its Catholic run shelters and soup kitchens. This has set off an uproar in the city with liberal print and television media portraying the church as a cold heartless villain. In an article written by The Washington Post’s Petula Dvorak:
“By trying to play political hardball with the District, no matter how carefully they word their objection to the bill, officials at the Archdiocese of Washington and Catholic Charities are telling our city's most vulnerable people -- homeless families, sick children, low-income mothers -- that they are willing to throw them on the table as a bargaining chip.What the Church is doing is an uncharitable and cruel maneuver.”

Yet she never considers the fact that the church is simply sticking to its religious convictions and is only a contractor for the city to help them deal with their problems. She also fails to mention that they will not be closing down any of their church funded shelters or kitchens only the ones receiving money from the City Government. Also, she could use her article to encourage gay and lesbian organizations to step up and volunteer to fill this space that the church wants to vacate. Yet, Liberals don’t want to get their hands dirty volunteering, they just enjoy criticizing the religious for actually having some backbone and saying listen if you pass this, it goes against our religion and we cannot in good conscience support that.
The response to this action by the Diocese in Washington drew even more venomous criticism in an article by Allison Kilkenny of The Huffington Post, a super liberal slimy and vulgar website. In her article she made all kinds of ridiculous statements which include:
“Oh. So this "Please Stop Being An Asshole, You Guys" law is really the thing that has sent the Archdiocese flying off a cliff. The child molestations, and filing sticky-fingered priests from diocese to diocese is all part of God's grand plan, but showing the slightest bit of consideration for gay couples is just too much. “
“Beyond being simply mean and intolerant, this is just a stupid strategy for the Catholic church to employ. It may be a symbol of religion, but the church is also a business that needs to expand its customer base, or it will become extinct like Greek polytheism or New Coke.”
“And don't give me that "It's in the Bible so we can't change our beliefs!" crap. Religions stray from the Bible's teachings all the time the second people realize they're being unspeakably cruel to a society's sect. The Bible was used to legitimize slavery, and yet we don't do that anymore, so surely Catholics can make the same jump when it comes to gay marriage.”
“The Bible also says you'll burn in hell for eating shellfish, and I guarantee lobster-eaters crowd the pews every Sunday all across this great land.”

“I have no tolerance for tax-exempt pyramid schemes that take money from poor people to build golden houses in Italy for a decrepit former Nazi youth, who now wears a funny hat and occasionally blathers in a dead language about hating gay people, suppressing women, and always -- always -- refusing to wear condoms.”
Now just imagine if she wrote an article condemning Islam for its abuses of women or using honor killings to justify acts of murder against their own children, that’s yet to happen from Ms. Killkenny because only the Catholic and Christians are the big bad wolf in todays America.
During the Health Care debate, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews railed against the Bishops for sending a lobbyist group to try and remove the “Abortion Provision” in the bill.
"The clergy should stay off Capitol Hill," MSNBC's Chris Matthews flatly declared on the November 10 "Hardball."  Matthews fumed with disgust as Politico's Jonathan Allen told him that Catholic bishops lobbied Democrats to pass the pro-life Stupak Amendment to the Democratic health care reform bill last week.
            These are just some very recent examples of the intolerance that Liberals have over our religion. Their nastiness and behavior is so and sickening to me and  is one of the main reason I get so bothered by their ignorance.There isn’t enough paper in the world to recognize all their examples of their religious hatred, but it just shows how outraged they become when they disagree with someone’s differing point of view. Like their treatment of Sarah Palin, they become consumed with totally destroying their target and will do anything in their power to accomplish that goal.
            Personally, Religion is a wonderful and necessary tool in my life. It provides me with everlasting guidance in my life, helps comfort me in times of need, and has taught me thousands of powerful lessons on how to be a better person, improve my life, and help out others who are in need. It gives me compassion and helps remind me to follow my moral compass, which it instilled in me. Growing up in a Catholic household and attending Catholic school was an amazing blessing that I will provide for my children.
            The majority of Christians are exactly like me and enjoy the warmth and comfort that God blesses us with on a daily basis. It is always in the back of my head that if I behave properly and follow Gods words that one day, after a short stint in Purgatory, I will enjoy the gift of everlasting life in Heaven. Many people feel the same way about this (except some of my close friends and their families think we get a straight pass to heaven, not sure about that one, but I hope your right Mrs. VDV)
            I feel bad for these people who have no one to turn to in their times of need and feel sorry for them- of course, now they think they do.


 They have discovered their own savior, a man who was found in a reed basket floating down the Chicago River. A man who proclaimed that the waters will stop rising and that the earth will cool (once he gets elected), A man who promises peace in the world and the Middle-East, a man who will unilaterally cover every single American with healthcare at no cost to the deficit, A leader who saved the banks and stopped the recession, with a single speech. This young man will erase racism and provide clean energy and put shovels in every unemployed person’s hands, and a man who doesn’t even sweat. The liberal’s prayers have been answered- they found Barack Obama, Savior of the Universe.
            The Liberals have found their young redeemer and cannot stop until they convert the world into their newly formed cult - anyone who speaks cruelly about this man- Off with their head!
 However, I like my Savior just fine, and until Obama starts to multiply loaves and walk on water- you can keep yours- because mine suits me perfectly.

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