Thursday, November 12, 2009

Calling a Spade a Spade

Maj. Nidal Hasan, the man accused of killing 13 people and wounding dozens of others last week during a shooting spree at Fort Hood was a US Army psychiatrist who was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan within the month. The cowardly and psychotic act of violence that he undertook against our military is awful; unfortunately the main stream media are also acting like cowards by not providing its citizens with the correct amount of information pertaining to his “militant” Islamic associations and by downplaying the fact that this may have been an act of terrorism.
            Most of the MSM-  fearing US citizens will attack other innocent Muslims have decided to ignore some of the major facts surrounding this incident, with many newscasters trying to blame “stress” as the initial reason behind  this incident- or by blaming his upcoming deployment on the tragedy. Here are some recent Headlines concerning the shooting:
NY TIMES: Suspect Was ‘Mortified’ About Deployment
LAT HEADLINES: Fort Hood shooting suspect was to deploy to Iraq soon
WAPO HEADLINES: Obama: don't jump to conclusion on Fort Hood shooting

WAPO HEADLINES: Fort Hood has felt the strain of repeated deployments: Base leads Army posts in number of suicides since Iraq invasion

Now, as Obama said to not to jump to conclusions (which is exactly what he did when he blamed the white officer in the Cambridge Cop abuse case)

Lets exam some of the facts surrounding this case:
Maj. Hasan was a Muslim extremist who’s “spiritual adviser", Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, - who had direct ties to the 9/11 attackers. The Imam has since been deported and lives in Yemen, where Maj. Hasan continued to have contact with him. He had tried to contact al-Qaida, and at least one U.S. intelligence official says the Army knew it. Hasan delivered an hour-long PowerPoint lecture to an audience of doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, which included these statements:
“It's getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims.” Under comments, he wrote: “We love death more than you love life.” And his conclusion was that Muslim soldiers be given the option of being released from the military, as conscientious objectors, to decrease what he called “adverse events.”
And arguing that non-Muslims should be beheaded and have burning oil poured down their throats.
Hasan denounced the "war on terror" as a war against Islam and said Muslims should attack Americans in retaliation for the war in Iraq. During the attack, multiple SOLDIERS, including one who had been shot by Hasan, all  claimed that Hasan shouted "Allah Akbar" (God is great) as he opened fire. A wounded soldier even reported this to CNN, however they disregarded his statement “as being foggy from adrenaline” and quickly glossed over it.
Now, if this isn’t enough evidence to maybe “jump to the conclusion” that this man was a homegrown terrorist then I don’t know what is. However, the MSM continues to drag its feet on this story and continues to blame gun control, PTSD, stress over deployment, and any other politically correct excuse liberals love using.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews just proclaimed, "Apparently, he tried to contact al-Qaeda. Is that the point at which you say, ‘this guy is dangerous?' That's not a crime to call up al-Qaeda, is it? Is it?
This was are obviously not a “stress related” incident and Hasan showed many examples of his extreme beliefs in Islam which he espoused at many different times and many different places.
            Again, as the media continues to “spin” stories their own way- others may end up getting killed or hurt because of it. A recent Newsbusters poll shows the media’s own current polling on this attack and the results are simply absurd:
  • Networks Decide Attack Wasn't Terror: 85 percent of the broadcast stories didn't mention the word "terror." ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news referenced terrorism connections to the Fort Hood attack just seven times in 48 reports.
  • ABC, CBS, NBC Follow White House Line: Before Obama's Nov. 10 speech, 93 percent of the stories had ignored any terror connection. But after Obama hinted at what ABC called "Islamic extremist views," all three networks mentioned terrorism.
  • Alleged Attacker's Muslim Faith Not Important Either: Slightly more than one-fourth (29 percent) of evening news reports mentioned that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was a Muslim. Of those, half (7 out of 14) defended the religion or included experts to do so.
This blatant miss-reporting needs to stop. Americans deserve to know the truth to prevent future incidents as well as to be aware of the signs which can prevent them from occurring. By not providing this, more Americans may be at risk and another attack could possibly occur in the future and as the old saying goes “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.”

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