Friday, November 6, 2009


Come tomorrow, Congress will stay in session for a rare weekend vote lead by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is arrogantly overconfident that her 1,900 page Health Care Reform Bill will be passed ( more likely rammed) through congress. This coming just days after Democrats suffered heavy losses in Tuesday’s elections where states went blue just a year ago, turned Red.
            This is classic Nancy Pelosi, so self-absorbed and egotistical that she will not consider waiting to bring this bill to the floor because during that time someone may actually end up reading it. It has already been discovered that she has added two new provisions into the bill which offer covered abortions and health coverage to illegal aliens.
 As written, the House bill would allow plans offered through new insurance exchanges, set up for individuals without employer coverage, to cover abortion services. Two promises just weeks ago she claimed came from “Republican Operatives trying swift boat the bill”.
To understand how this woman works you need to understand her political past. She was the youngest of six well- educated political children who were all involved with politics at an early age. Her Father was a U.S Congressman as well as the Mayor of Baltimore. Growing up she would help her father around his office and even helped him maintain an “Enemy’s List” of the local politicians who had crossed him earlier in his political life and who would later ask for him for favors when he became Mayor- they were never granted. Mrs. Pelosi is said to continue this same practice today. Her bother Thomas III also became Mayor of Baltimore and her other brother Ronald was a City Supervisor in San Francisco who was instrumental in convincing Mrs. Pelosi to move out there to begin her political career.       
She is among the wealthiest in Congress with over $19 million in holdings and has a Vineyard in California worth between $20-25 million.
After winning the 8th congressional district in San Francisco in 1987 she ruthlessly worked her way up to House Minority leader, a position she held from 2003-2007. She won the 2007 Speaker of the House position with the backing of big time liberals- John Murtha, Rahm Emanuel, who nominated her, and longtime friend John Dingell (D, MI) whom she had swear her in.
She then spent the next two years bashing Bush at every possible moment and her penchant for speaking viciously about opponents has not subsided. She did vote for the war in Iraq, yet as the liberal pressure began to mount, she quickly tried to distance herself from the vote and used her soap-box to turn it into the President’s fault.
“Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process. Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that."- Nov. 17, 2002
"Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact, he's not a leader,'' Pelosi said. "He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon.”His activities, his decisions, the results of his actions are what undermine his leadership, not my statement," Pelosi said. "My statements are just a statement of fact."
However, people have taken notice of the callus words she uses so freely and ferociously to attack a sitting president and her current approval rating stands at 34% in California and 17% nationwide, making them the lowest ratings in the country.
They will only shrink further if she can’t manage to get her diabolical Heath Care Bill passed on Saturday, in which she has managed to scare away many of her own democrats- which are so sorely needed to support and pass this bill. There will be 258 Democrats in the House by the time the vote takes place, but to secure the 218 votes needed for passage -- and with prospects dim for Republican converts -- Pelosi can afford to lose no more than 40 members of her caucus.
There are already Democrats questioning why Mrs. Pelosi is trying to move so quickly on this issue. Added New Jersey Democrat Bill Pascrell: "People who had weak knees before are going to have weaker knees now."
In addition many democrats and republicans on the Hill are worried that the bill hurts seniors to much pointing out its $400 billion cut in Medicare over the next ten years. Many politicians are beginning to realize how awful the bill is, quoted by Bob Michel: “The Democrats' health care bill frontloads the pain and backloads the gain,"

And the democrats would pay a huge price for passing a bill with no republican support. "What the exit polls showed was real voter fatigue with how crowded our plate is," Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia (D), chairman of his party's freshman class, told the New York Times. "We need to take a deep breath, step back and clean the plate before we add to it."
I didn’t think Democrats had much sense, but seeing this guy is from Virginia- he is absolutely spot on with his assessment. We need to get the economy going by stimulating growth through jobs- not by passing a bill that costs over $1 trillion in new spending. Yet, Nutty Nancy marches to the beat of her own arrogance and it may cost the democrats a lot of embarrassment if this bill, in fact, doesn’t pass over the weekend. Why won’t Mrs. Pelosi listen to her colleagues and try to slow this process down a tad?-Not many people know.
All week Pelosi has been fighting for support from pro-life democrats who are worried about the bills “abortion” provision. At the same time, she is trying to persuade other democrats who are worried what their constituents will think if they vote for a bill which allows coverage for illegal aliens. This balancing act requires a stronger and more skillful politician than Nancy Pelosi, who has been almost unwilling to bend ever in her political life.

Then, to make it even more difficult for Mrs. Pelosi to get this bill passed- it has came out that Democrats have deliberately not indexed two main tax features of their plan: the $500,000 threshold for the 5.4-percentage-point income tax surcharge; and the payroll level at which small businesses must pay a new 8% tax penalty for not offering health insurance.
Wow! Their goes the “No new taxes on people making under $250,000 or less”. By adding or actually hiding, these new taxes in this bill- Mrs. Pelosi will directly contradict the President of the United States in order for her to receive credit for this bill. Wonder how that will work out? To make matters worse for Mrs. Pelosi, The Wall Street Journal just published this important article today which- Everyone should read and pass to their friends:

“All of those twentysomethings who voted for Barack Obama last year are about to experience the change they haven't been waiting for: the return of income tax bracket creep. Buried in Nancy Pelosi's health-care bill is a provision that will partially repeal tax indexing for inflation, meaning that as their earnings rise over a lifetime these youngsters can look forward to paying higher rates even if their income gains aren't real…
This is a sneaky way for politicians to pry more money out of workers every year without having to legislate tax increases. The negative effects of failing to index compound over time, yielding a revenue windfall for government as the years go on. The House tax surcharge is estimated to raise $460.5 billion over 10 years, but only $30.9 billion in 2011, rising to $68.4 billion in 2019, according to the Joint Tax Committee.
This surcharge has also been sneakily written to apply to modified adjusted gross income, which means it applies to both capital gains and dividends that are taxed at lower rates. So the capital gains tax rate that is now 15% would increase in 2011 to 25.4% with the surcharge and repeal of the Bush tax rates. The tax rate on dividends would rise to 45% from 15% (5.4% plus the pre-Bush rate of 39.6%).”

So this is our new, deficit- neutral Health Care Bill, which as you can see will raise the capital gains tax from 15%-25.4%, the tax rated on dividends would rise an astonishing 30% in only TWO YEARS!  And the tax surcharge would go from a mind blowing $30.9 billion to $68.4 billion in EIGHT YEARS!!!  This with people makes less money because they are getting more taken out from the federal government!!!
 This will be happening when we may not even be fully recovered from our current recession!

So as these crazy Liberals continue to spend and tax away my future we can be assured that Nutty Nancy will be doing just fine, sitting at her vineyard, sipping a fine chardonnay, not worrying about her healthcare, after all- Everyone from the Congress and Senate are exempt, So why should they so be worried about actually passing a bill that would help America- instead of one which will ruin it in the long run. Thanks Nancy.

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