Sunday, December 6, 2009

Escalating While Retreating?

On last Tuesday night, in front of attentive Cadets at West Point, President Obama laid out his long-awaited speech concerning his war strategy for Afghanistan. It had taken him months of deliberation to finally agree on a strategy for the war he considered “necessary” and “vital” during his presidential campaign.
            Obama had begun to receive increasing criticism and pressure from both sides of the aisle- with Republicans urging the president to make a quicker decision and encouraging him to seriously consider following Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal’s request for an additional 40,000 troops. Democrats however have suddenly soured on the war and many within their ranks are beginning to question if we should even continue sending troops into the area at all. Some democrats have even called for a complete withdraw of US forces in Afghanistan.
            For a president who ran his campaign on the fact that he never agreed with going to war with Iraq this puts the President into a peculiar position. President Obama is an anti-war democrat who gained a lot of support and money from powerful and important liberal, anti-war, grassroots movements like and Codepink. These groups are vital for his re-election campaign because of their influential connections, big donations, and extensive volunteer lists. He knows that it is important to remain on their good side; however he also knows that he cannot be seen as being weak internationally in a war which he has stated was important for the safety of our country and for the future stabilization of the region.
            In the end, President Obama made a wise decision by committing an additional 30,000 troops to be deployed quickly to the region. This will provide an immediate “surge” of US forces- first of highly trained US Marines, then followed by the Army’s 10th Mountain Division, with additional   US troops being deployed shortly after.
            The President made an intelligent choice by deploying a considerable number of troops to join the initial 21,000 he sent in February. By agreeing to send a substantial amount of US forces now it should prevent him from needing to send anymore additional troops over in the near future. If, for instance, he only committed 15,000 troops now and things began to turn for the worse in the theatre then Obama may have needed to send additional reinforcements- making his decision making seem shaky- especially when his general asked for a considerably higher number. For this Obama needs to be applauded. It also shows he understands that he knows how important his decision will be with independent voters when 2012 rolls around.  
            This strategy was inspiring because of the level of skepticism within his administration. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and Vice President Biden both were against sending more troops to the region and publicly displayed their feelings for committing additional troops. These doubts shown by some of his top aides may have contributed to President Obama’s prolonged decision, yet in the end, he went against his V.P and S.S and listened to his advisors from the Pentagon.

            The only criticism I have concerning his plan was providing an 18 month timetable for withdraw.
“Taken together, these additional American and international troops will allow us to accelerate handing over responsibility to Afghan forces, and allow us to begin the transfer of our forces out of Afghanistan in July of 2011.”
            Which coincidentally occurs right as campaign season for the 2012 presidential elections will start to begin.
            For some reason, President Obama has become infatuated with these timelines and timetables for many of his policies. The problem with this is that he has yet to reach one of them. He will not be able to close Guantanamo Bay by the end of this year, as promised, didn’t meet his August 1st Health Care legislation deadline, and has pushed back government incentives benefits, which he promised would be “temporary jolts”, but are looking more and more, like they will become new permanent government entitlement programs.
            By setting an 18 month deadline to withdraw the troops in Afghanistan, he is essentially telling the Taliban and Al-Qaeda to take an extended vacation to their safe havens in Yemen or Somalia for a year or two then simply return because we will be gone. This doesn’t help to defeat the enemy; it just provides them with a game plan to regroup after our set 18 month deadline. The other problematic thing about this is that if he does not reach his prearranged withdraw by July 2011; he again, begins to lose trust with the public and it makes his administration look inept.
            President Obama’s speech Tuesday night was average one for such a great orator, yet for a “dove” he showed some serious determination to try and defeat this dangerous enemy. I think that he is very worried about being a wartime president and realizes how quickly public perception can turn on its leaders when in war.  I think that the president made a good decision and the right decision concerning his troop increase and now he will need to wait and see how he will respond when our troops inevitable begin dying in combat and if he will lose the war in the battle of the media.
            As President Obama ended his speech he said:
 America - we are passing through a time of great trial. And the message that we send in the midst of these storms must be clear: that our cause is just, our resolve unwavering. We will go forward with the confidence that right makes might, and with the commitment to forge an America that is safer, a world that is more secure, and a future that represents not the deepest of fears but the highest of hopes. Thank you, God Bless you, God Bless our troops, and may God Bless the United States of America.”
            As our President, I hope he has the unwavering resolve which he speaks of and the confidence to not be swayed by the media’s perception of this battle because he made the right decision and they brought this war to us and they need to pay dearly for messing with America.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Their Savior and Ours

Liberal loons continue to show their massive hypocrisy against any issue which they do not fully endorse. I call it hypocrisy because- remember- they are the accepting, tolerant, giving, and “compassionate” party who aren’t like “us”- who are bigots, racists, and sexists; not to mention war-mongering corporate shills. But with all the issues they degrade and try to marginalize us for- religion seems to be the one that personally bothers me the most.
 Their utter disrespect and scorn towards organized religion (mainly Christianity) in this country is disgusting. Do they not remember that the principle reason our country was created and was founded by The Pilgrims- who fled the East Midlands of England -to escape the religious persecution they were facing.
The story of these brave adventurers who put their faith in God to guide them safely to the new world in hopes of simply being able to practice their faith freely is a central message of how our country was created as a “free” nation and forms the core of this amazing country. It is so important to our nation that Freedom of Religion was included in the First Amendment in The Bill of Rights-
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It set the golden standard for the citizens of the world to take a chance and leave their motherland in order to allow themselves to express their beliefs without being persecuted or out casted by fellow countrymen who disagreed with their different faiths.
Now, America is losing the battle for religious freedoms as liberal atheists take every chance they get to disparage Americans who practice and believe in their own Savior. Except, the main target of these slimy liberals seems to be some of the most understanding, giving, and hardworking people in the country- American Christians and Catholics.
You never hear any one utter anything on the news about Islam or Judaism. In fact, many members of the media and press go out of their way as to not offend these religions. In Europe, a magazine printed a comic of Muhammad and the extremists rioted and killed simply over these images. It was a clear warning throughout the world to not mess with their Allah- and it worked.
Catholics especially are forever a target of the left, mostly because of their views on abortion and gay marriage (Christians also hold the same views) yet, our unwillingness to fight back against the rude and derogatory methods employed by these religion hating nuts further encourages them to continue to attack and mock our central belief in God.
As pompous and conceited as these people are, they have yet to realize the thousands of great deeds provided daily, through the generosity of Christians in America. Catholic and Christian churches provide food banks, run shelters and soup kitchens, provide counseling for prisoners, donate millions yearly to all types of worldwide charity’s and causes, and do countless other projects that help benefit and build communities.
This is one of the main reasons Republicans donate more money yearly to charity’s than liberals, because as liberals count on government intervention by taking (um I mean taxing) the rich, Christians- no matter how rich or poor- feel obligated to donate whatever they can to help the less fortunate. Most donate money, but many others donate time, building supplies, food, Christmas gifts and anything else that their church asks from them.
The hatred for the American Christian couldn’t have been more evident than when late-term abortion provider George Tiller was killed over the summer. All the media and liberal establishment could focus on was the “crazy religious right’ that is terrorizing our nation. Since Roe v. Wade passed over thirty-six years ago in 1973, a grand total of eight abortion doctors and workers have been murdered in the United States and Canada. Tiller's murder was the first of an American abortion doctor in the 21st century. Yet, this didn’t stop the media from portraying every Christian as a “crazy religious fundamentalist. However, after the recent Ft. Hood shootings they were silent and cautious in concluding that Maj. Hasan may have been a Muslim extremist. Again, because they know that we are a passive target that will not mobilize and riot, as other religions tend to do.
Recently the Washington, DC Archbishop said that if the District passes their Gay Marriage Law then they will stop taking the millions of dollars it receives from the City to use for its Catholic run shelters and soup kitchens. This has set off an uproar in the city with liberal print and television media portraying the church as a cold heartless villain. In an article written by The Washington Post’s Petula Dvorak:
“By trying to play political hardball with the District, no matter how carefully they word their objection to the bill, officials at the Archdiocese of Washington and Catholic Charities are telling our city's most vulnerable people -- homeless families, sick children, low-income mothers -- that they are willing to throw them on the table as a bargaining chip.What the Church is doing is an uncharitable and cruel maneuver.”

Yet she never considers the fact that the church is simply sticking to its religious convictions and is only a contractor for the city to help them deal with their problems. She also fails to mention that they will not be closing down any of their church funded shelters or kitchens only the ones receiving money from the City Government. Also, she could use her article to encourage gay and lesbian organizations to step up and volunteer to fill this space that the church wants to vacate. Yet, Liberals don’t want to get their hands dirty volunteering, they just enjoy criticizing the religious for actually having some backbone and saying listen if you pass this, it goes against our religion and we cannot in good conscience support that.
The response to this action by the Diocese in Washington drew even more venomous criticism in an article by Allison Kilkenny of The Huffington Post, a super liberal slimy and vulgar website. In her article she made all kinds of ridiculous statements which include:
“Oh. So this "Please Stop Being An Asshole, You Guys" law is really the thing that has sent the Archdiocese flying off a cliff. The child molestations, and filing sticky-fingered priests from diocese to diocese is all part of God's grand plan, but showing the slightest bit of consideration for gay couples is just too much. “
“Beyond being simply mean and intolerant, this is just a stupid strategy for the Catholic church to employ. It may be a symbol of religion, but the church is also a business that needs to expand its customer base, or it will become extinct like Greek polytheism or New Coke.”
“And don't give me that "It's in the Bible so we can't change our beliefs!" crap. Religions stray from the Bible's teachings all the time the second people realize they're being unspeakably cruel to a society's sect. The Bible was used to legitimize slavery, and yet we don't do that anymore, so surely Catholics can make the same jump when it comes to gay marriage.”
“The Bible also says you'll burn in hell for eating shellfish, and I guarantee lobster-eaters crowd the pews every Sunday all across this great land.”

“I have no tolerance for tax-exempt pyramid schemes that take money from poor people to build golden houses in Italy for a decrepit former Nazi youth, who now wears a funny hat and occasionally blathers in a dead language about hating gay people, suppressing women, and always -- always -- refusing to wear condoms.”
Now just imagine if she wrote an article condemning Islam for its abuses of women or using honor killings to justify acts of murder against their own children, that’s yet to happen from Ms. Killkenny because only the Catholic and Christians are the big bad wolf in todays America.
During the Health Care debate, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews railed against the Bishops for sending a lobbyist group to try and remove the “Abortion Provision” in the bill.
"The clergy should stay off Capitol Hill," MSNBC's Chris Matthews flatly declared on the November 10 "Hardball."  Matthews fumed with disgust as Politico's Jonathan Allen told him that Catholic bishops lobbied Democrats to pass the pro-life Stupak Amendment to the Democratic health care reform bill last week.
            These are just some very recent examples of the intolerance that Liberals have over our religion. Their nastiness and behavior is so and sickening to me and  is one of the main reason I get so bothered by their ignorance.There isn’t enough paper in the world to recognize all their examples of their religious hatred, but it just shows how outraged they become when they disagree with someone’s differing point of view. Like their treatment of Sarah Palin, they become consumed with totally destroying their target and will do anything in their power to accomplish that goal.
            Personally, Religion is a wonderful and necessary tool in my life. It provides me with everlasting guidance in my life, helps comfort me in times of need, and has taught me thousands of powerful lessons on how to be a better person, improve my life, and help out others who are in need. It gives me compassion and helps remind me to follow my moral compass, which it instilled in me. Growing up in a Catholic household and attending Catholic school was an amazing blessing that I will provide for my children.
            The majority of Christians are exactly like me and enjoy the warmth and comfort that God blesses us with on a daily basis. It is always in the back of my head that if I behave properly and follow Gods words that one day, after a short stint in Purgatory, I will enjoy the gift of everlasting life in Heaven. Many people feel the same way about this (except some of my close friends and their families think we get a straight pass to heaven, not sure about that one, but I hope your right Mrs. VDV)
            I feel bad for these people who have no one to turn to in their times of need and feel sorry for them- of course, now they think they do.


 They have discovered their own savior, a man who was found in a reed basket floating down the Chicago River. A man who proclaimed that the waters will stop rising and that the earth will cool (once he gets elected), A man who promises peace in the world and the Middle-East, a man who will unilaterally cover every single American with healthcare at no cost to the deficit, A leader who saved the banks and stopped the recession, with a single speech. This young man will erase racism and provide clean energy and put shovels in every unemployed person’s hands, and a man who doesn’t even sweat. The liberal’s prayers have been answered- they found Barack Obama, Savior of the Universe.
            The Liberals have found their young redeemer and cannot stop until they convert the world into their newly formed cult - anyone who speaks cruelly about this man- Off with their head!
 However, I like my Savior just fine, and until Obama starts to multiply loaves and walk on water- you can keep yours- because mine suits me perfectly.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do Not Resuscitate New Health Bill

Last Saturday, The House passed its $1 trillion dollar Healthcare overhaul 220-215, a razor thin margin that means it will most likely not make it through the Senate unless it has some serious “elective surgery”. Supporters called the passage a historic moment on par with the New Deal and the creation of Medicare. They said the bill will finally guarantee health coverage to nearly every American-except that it won’t. That’s one of the main facts eluding all the members of the House Ways and Means committee who gathered in their committee room, toasting glasses of red and white wine, while congratulating each other on Saturday night after the bills passage.
             The bill includes a requirement for individuals to have health insurance and for larger businesses to provide it to their employees. Except it does not say who will provide it or how it will be provided, mainly who pays. In fact, this will end up hurting the very people that the Democrats are supposedly trying to help- the middle class. Out of the 14% of American’s who currently do not have a health care plan for many it’s not for a pre-existing condition or lack of funds- it is simply because they choose not to buy one, yet can afford one. It’s exactly like how people drive nice cars; yet still don’t buy insurance for them, even if it’s a law. They are living on the edge at our expense and could care less.
            What this bill will essentially do is screw the middle class. By the government mandating that health insurance companies take patients with pre-existing conditions or have substandard health habits like obesity, smokers, etc… then the health insurance companies will inevitable begin feeling more losses because they can’t “cherry pick” healthy applicants anymore which will then result in the companies needing to pay for more care because of the unhealthy. So the healthy middle class worker will see their premiums rise to account for that cost. Then they will be forced out of private care and sent to the back of the line to wait with all the others participating in the government health option. 

Now, if you’re poor or old you get government health care currently through Medicare and Medicaid. If you have unemployment benefits you get care and if you don’t have unemployment it means you’re over 21 and haven’t had a job, making you a bum or you’re an illegal alien and shouldn’t be receiving any benefits anyway.
            Obama recently said he hasn’t ruled out possibly making it a crime not to have health care and could possibly use fines or jail time to ensure that people buy health care.
“What I think is appropriate is that in the same way that everybody has to get auto insurance and if you don't, you're subject to some penalty, that in this situation, if you have the ability to buy insurance, it's affordable and you choose not to do so, forcing you and me and everybody else to subsidize you, you know, there's a thousand dollar hidden tax that families all across America are -- are burdened by because of the fact that people don't have health insurance, you know, there's nothing wrong with a penalty. I think the general broad principle is simply that people who are paying for their health insurance aren't subsidizing folks who simply choose not to until they get sick and then suddenly they expect free health insurance.  That's -- that's basic concept of responsibility that I think most Americans abide by,” Mr. Obama said, “penalties are appropriate for people who try to free ride the system and force others to pay for their health insurance.”
While I agree with what he is trying to say, the same thing is currently happening now and people don’t seem to be paying. The Healthcare bill currently penalizes people $1,000 for not having health care if they can afford it. They funny thing about this “fine” is that it would most likely be cheaper for a lot of kids my age who are just starting their careers to just take the $1,000  fine because it’s really not that much- compared to some plans. So this fine won’t even be effective.
            And while the republicans won the battle over abortion, the Democratic Senators have made it clear they won’t pass it without the abortion provision which, means it will be in for a tough fight with middle- American Democratic pro-life Senators.
            The bill is too big, too confusing and too costly…. time to pull the plug.

Calling a Spade a Spade

Maj. Nidal Hasan, the man accused of killing 13 people and wounding dozens of others last week during a shooting spree at Fort Hood was a US Army psychiatrist who was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan within the month. The cowardly and psychotic act of violence that he undertook against our military is awful; unfortunately the main stream media are also acting like cowards by not providing its citizens with the correct amount of information pertaining to his “militant” Islamic associations and by downplaying the fact that this may have been an act of terrorism.
            Most of the MSM-  fearing US citizens will attack other innocent Muslims have decided to ignore some of the major facts surrounding this incident, with many newscasters trying to blame “stress” as the initial reason behind  this incident- or by blaming his upcoming deployment on the tragedy. Here are some recent Headlines concerning the shooting:
NY TIMES: Suspect Was ‘Mortified’ About Deployment
LAT HEADLINES: Fort Hood shooting suspect was to deploy to Iraq soon
WAPO HEADLINES: Obama: don't jump to conclusion on Fort Hood shooting

WAPO HEADLINES: Fort Hood has felt the strain of repeated deployments: Base leads Army posts in number of suicides since Iraq invasion

Now, as Obama said to not to jump to conclusions (which is exactly what he did when he blamed the white officer in the Cambridge Cop abuse case)

Lets exam some of the facts surrounding this case:
Maj. Hasan was a Muslim extremist who’s “spiritual adviser", Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, - who had direct ties to the 9/11 attackers. The Imam has since been deported and lives in Yemen, where Maj. Hasan continued to have contact with him. He had tried to contact al-Qaida, and at least one U.S. intelligence official says the Army knew it. Hasan delivered an hour-long PowerPoint lecture to an audience of doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, which included these statements:
“It's getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims.” Under comments, he wrote: “We love death more than you love life.” And his conclusion was that Muslim soldiers be given the option of being released from the military, as conscientious objectors, to decrease what he called “adverse events.”
And arguing that non-Muslims should be beheaded and have burning oil poured down their throats.
Hasan denounced the "war on terror" as a war against Islam and said Muslims should attack Americans in retaliation for the war in Iraq. During the attack, multiple SOLDIERS, including one who had been shot by Hasan, all  claimed that Hasan shouted "Allah Akbar" (God is great) as he opened fire. A wounded soldier even reported this to CNN, however they disregarded his statement “as being foggy from adrenaline” and quickly glossed over it.
Now, if this isn’t enough evidence to maybe “jump to the conclusion” that this man was a homegrown terrorist then I don’t know what is. However, the MSM continues to drag its feet on this story and continues to blame gun control, PTSD, stress over deployment, and any other politically correct excuse liberals love using.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews just proclaimed, "Apparently, he tried to contact al-Qaeda. Is that the point at which you say, ‘this guy is dangerous?' That's not a crime to call up al-Qaeda, is it? Is it?
This was are obviously not a “stress related” incident and Hasan showed many examples of his extreme beliefs in Islam which he espoused at many different times and many different places.
            Again, as the media continues to “spin” stories their own way- others may end up getting killed or hurt because of it. A recent Newsbusters poll shows the media’s own current polling on this attack and the results are simply absurd:
  • Networks Decide Attack Wasn't Terror: 85 percent of the broadcast stories didn't mention the word "terror." ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news referenced terrorism connections to the Fort Hood attack just seven times in 48 reports.
  • ABC, CBS, NBC Follow White House Line: Before Obama's Nov. 10 speech, 93 percent of the stories had ignored any terror connection. But after Obama hinted at what ABC called "Islamic extremist views," all three networks mentioned terrorism.
  • Alleged Attacker's Muslim Faith Not Important Either: Slightly more than one-fourth (29 percent) of evening news reports mentioned that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was a Muslim. Of those, half (7 out of 14) defended the religion or included experts to do so.
This blatant miss-reporting needs to stop. Americans deserve to know the truth to prevent future incidents as well as to be aware of the signs which can prevent them from occurring. By not providing this, more Americans may be at risk and another attack could possibly occur in the future and as the old saying goes “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.”

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Curious Case of Kenneth Gladney

During the midst of the August congressional recess, concerned citizens from both political parties had begun engaging each other over increasingly uncivil protest about our nations plan for Universal Health Care. Most of these protests were unorganized, yet polite, as worried taxpayers confronted their representatives about the massive spending occurring on Capitol Hill and the ridiculous cost of their proposed Health Plan. Many of these citizens questioned how their representatives could be voting for a bill that they had admittedly never even read.
            Across America the voices from these concerned taxpayers echoed louder and louder as their Congressional reps continued to condescend them and even cancel their own town hall events, blaming the hostile crowds from preventing them from engaging in “civil discussions”. (Like we all of a sudden live in Britain and drink tea with are pinky’s pointed out)
Then on August.6, The White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina was quoted as saying,
If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,”    
 He was right. This comment came, after cable news shows had been airing “Town Halls” across the country showing Democratic Senators and Congressmen participating in disastrous meetings, where they were not able to answer simple questions from their constituents concerning the bill. Mr. Messina also encouraged Senators to get updated briefings on the bill so they would be able to answer questions properly.
Also, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney sent a detailed memo to his members advising them on how to handle the “Town Hall” Protestors- [in it he describes]:
"The principal battleground in the campaign will be town hall meetings and other gatherings with members of Congress in their home districts," reads the memo. "We want your help to organize major union participation to counter the right-wing "Tea-Party Patriots" who will try to disrupt those meetings, as they've been trying to do to meetings for the last month. ...

(Remember the hooligans - many of them Republican Congressional staff - who harassed Florida vote counters in 2000? We can't let that happen again!)."

 So, the AFL-CIO planned to target 50 "high priority districts," in addition to organizing telephone town hall gatherings, to counteract these “protestors” (tax-paying citizens).  Both the SEIU memo and the White House comments were released the same day that Patriot Kenneth Gladney was brutally beaten at a Town Hall rally by SEIU Thugs in St. Louis, for Rep. Russ Carnahan, a Missouri Democrat. 

Many attendees at this event, were wearing purple t-shirts with “Organizing for America” emblazoned across the front in white letters and with SEIU written in the same white letters across the back. These thugs were clearly there for disrupting the event and for intimidating and screaming at the regular folks who had showed up to question Mr. Carnahan’s policies.
            Meanwhile a 38 year old, African- American, named Kenneth Gladney was simply standing outside in the parking lot handing out American Flags and “Don’t Tread on Me” Flags to fellow patriotic Americans. Suddenly, a large black man, wearing a purple SEIU shirt approached Mr. Gladney, knocking the flags from his hand, while calling him, “A son of an N*****” before punching him in the side of the face.

After being punched and knocked to the ground, Mr. Gladney got up and tried to run across the parking lot- as more purple- shirted SEIU thugs chased him and caught up with him, jerking him back into the pavement, then stomping and beating him brutally.
Mr. Gladney suffered serious injuries which occurred during the assault.  He is looking to prosecute both of the SEIU thugs who were arrested at the scene. However, they have claimed that Mr. Gladney started the fight; luckily, witnesses have come forward to corroborate Mr. Gladney’s claim.
However, it has been months since this beating occurred and still no charges have been formally filed against the two union mobsters who assaulted him- he also wants to charge them both with hate crimes. The SEIU has hired high-powered attorneys to defend their criminals; however the SEIU did deny both gangsters’ claims of workers compensation for the injuries they suffered during their beat -down of a peaceful citizen.
This was the second act of violence against the Health Care protestors. William Rice, a 65 year old from California had his finger partially bitten off by a protestor from during the same type of Town Hall meeting. Neither incident has gotten MSM press.
Since Mr. Gladney’s assault I have not seen and/ or heard from the notorious “civil rights” activists Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson, who I believe would be marching in protest demanding quick and severe punishment for such a hateful, racially motivated attack on a citizen, if he was a democrat things would be different. In fact, the media has barley even covered this event, with the only network still providing ongoing updates being Fox News.
It just shows the hypocrisy of the media in their coverage of these Town Hall events.
As the MSM calls republican protestors “teabaggers”, racists, rednecks, and hooligans- they seem to be the ones allowing this type of behavior to perpetuate. By not holding the SEIU and their thugs accountable and ignoring this crime in the media, it just furthers their amazing bias and shows the lack of professionalism they have. Hopefully, these criminals will be punished accordingly so these assaults don’t happen again- because next time someone just may die.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Come tomorrow, Congress will stay in session for a rare weekend vote lead by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is arrogantly overconfident that her 1,900 page Health Care Reform Bill will be passed ( more likely rammed) through congress. This coming just days after Democrats suffered heavy losses in Tuesday’s elections where states went blue just a year ago, turned Red.
            This is classic Nancy Pelosi, so self-absorbed and egotistical that she will not consider waiting to bring this bill to the floor because during that time someone may actually end up reading it. It has already been discovered that she has added two new provisions into the bill which offer covered abortions and health coverage to illegal aliens.
 As written, the House bill would allow plans offered through new insurance exchanges, set up for individuals without employer coverage, to cover abortion services. Two promises just weeks ago she claimed came from “Republican Operatives trying swift boat the bill”.
To understand how this woman works you need to understand her political past. She was the youngest of six well- educated political children who were all involved with politics at an early age. Her Father was a U.S Congressman as well as the Mayor of Baltimore. Growing up she would help her father around his office and even helped him maintain an “Enemy’s List” of the local politicians who had crossed him earlier in his political life and who would later ask for him for favors when he became Mayor- they were never granted. Mrs. Pelosi is said to continue this same practice today. Her bother Thomas III also became Mayor of Baltimore and her other brother Ronald was a City Supervisor in San Francisco who was instrumental in convincing Mrs. Pelosi to move out there to begin her political career.       
She is among the wealthiest in Congress with over $19 million in holdings and has a Vineyard in California worth between $20-25 million.
After winning the 8th congressional district in San Francisco in 1987 she ruthlessly worked her way up to House Minority leader, a position she held from 2003-2007. She won the 2007 Speaker of the House position with the backing of big time liberals- John Murtha, Rahm Emanuel, who nominated her, and longtime friend John Dingell (D, MI) whom she had swear her in.
She then spent the next two years bashing Bush at every possible moment and her penchant for speaking viciously about opponents has not subsided. She did vote for the war in Iraq, yet as the liberal pressure began to mount, she quickly tried to distance herself from the vote and used her soap-box to turn it into the President’s fault.
“Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process. Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that."- Nov. 17, 2002
"Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact, he's not a leader,'' Pelosi said. "He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon.”His activities, his decisions, the results of his actions are what undermine his leadership, not my statement," Pelosi said. "My statements are just a statement of fact."
However, people have taken notice of the callus words she uses so freely and ferociously to attack a sitting president and her current approval rating stands at 34% in California and 17% nationwide, making them the lowest ratings in the country.
They will only shrink further if she can’t manage to get her diabolical Heath Care Bill passed on Saturday, in which she has managed to scare away many of her own democrats- which are so sorely needed to support and pass this bill. There will be 258 Democrats in the House by the time the vote takes place, but to secure the 218 votes needed for passage -- and with prospects dim for Republican converts -- Pelosi can afford to lose no more than 40 members of her caucus.
There are already Democrats questioning why Mrs. Pelosi is trying to move so quickly on this issue. Added New Jersey Democrat Bill Pascrell: "People who had weak knees before are going to have weaker knees now."
In addition many democrats and republicans on the Hill are worried that the bill hurts seniors to much pointing out its $400 billion cut in Medicare over the next ten years. Many politicians are beginning to realize how awful the bill is, quoted by Bob Michel: “The Democrats' health care bill frontloads the pain and backloads the gain,"

And the democrats would pay a huge price for passing a bill with no republican support. "What the exit polls showed was real voter fatigue with how crowded our plate is," Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia (D), chairman of his party's freshman class, told the New York Times. "We need to take a deep breath, step back and clean the plate before we add to it."
I didn’t think Democrats had much sense, but seeing this guy is from Virginia- he is absolutely spot on with his assessment. We need to get the economy going by stimulating growth through jobs- not by passing a bill that costs over $1 trillion in new spending. Yet, Nutty Nancy marches to the beat of her own arrogance and it may cost the democrats a lot of embarrassment if this bill, in fact, doesn’t pass over the weekend. Why won’t Mrs. Pelosi listen to her colleagues and try to slow this process down a tad?-Not many people know.
All week Pelosi has been fighting for support from pro-life democrats who are worried about the bills “abortion” provision. At the same time, she is trying to persuade other democrats who are worried what their constituents will think if they vote for a bill which allows coverage for illegal aliens. This balancing act requires a stronger and more skillful politician than Nancy Pelosi, who has been almost unwilling to bend ever in her political life.

Then, to make it even more difficult for Mrs. Pelosi to get this bill passed- it has came out that Democrats have deliberately not indexed two main tax features of their plan: the $500,000 threshold for the 5.4-percentage-point income tax surcharge; and the payroll level at which small businesses must pay a new 8% tax penalty for not offering health insurance.
Wow! Their goes the “No new taxes on people making under $250,000 or less”. By adding or actually hiding, these new taxes in this bill- Mrs. Pelosi will directly contradict the President of the United States in order for her to receive credit for this bill. Wonder how that will work out? To make matters worse for Mrs. Pelosi, The Wall Street Journal just published this important article today which- Everyone should read and pass to their friends:

“All of those twentysomethings who voted for Barack Obama last year are about to experience the change they haven't been waiting for: the return of income tax bracket creep. Buried in Nancy Pelosi's health-care bill is a provision that will partially repeal tax indexing for inflation, meaning that as their earnings rise over a lifetime these youngsters can look forward to paying higher rates even if their income gains aren't real…
This is a sneaky way for politicians to pry more money out of workers every year without having to legislate tax increases. The negative effects of failing to index compound over time, yielding a revenue windfall for government as the years go on. The House tax surcharge is estimated to raise $460.5 billion over 10 years, but only $30.9 billion in 2011, rising to $68.4 billion in 2019, according to the Joint Tax Committee.
This surcharge has also been sneakily written to apply to modified adjusted gross income, which means it applies to both capital gains and dividends that are taxed at lower rates. So the capital gains tax rate that is now 15% would increase in 2011 to 25.4% with the surcharge and repeal of the Bush tax rates. The tax rate on dividends would rise to 45% from 15% (5.4% plus the pre-Bush rate of 39.6%).”

So this is our new, deficit- neutral Health Care Bill, which as you can see will raise the capital gains tax from 15%-25.4%, the tax rated on dividends would rise an astonishing 30% in only TWO YEARS!  And the tax surcharge would go from a mind blowing $30.9 billion to $68.4 billion in EIGHT YEARS!!!  This with people makes less money because they are getting more taken out from the federal government!!!
 This will be happening when we may not even be fully recovered from our current recession!

So as these crazy Liberals continue to spend and tax away my future we can be assured that Nutty Nancy will be doing just fine, sitting at her vineyard, sipping a fine chardonnay, not worrying about her healthcare, after all- Everyone from the Congress and Senate are exempt, So why should they so be worried about actually passing a bill that would help America- instead of one which will ruin it in the long run. Thanks Nancy.